Christmas Shopping - What'cha Getting?


Old Timer
Sep 29, 2007
Okay, Christmas is coming close. I know for sure this Christmas I'm not getting crap. My gf is broke so I told her not to get me anything because I'd feel too guilty to accept it (family issues) and my parents, LMAO, lets forget that, my dad forgot my birthday completely so I know he'll forget Christmas unless it starts snowing in Oakland which I've never seen.

So what are you guys getting for Christmas? Anyone getting more pets for Christmas either for urself or others?

These are the stuff I've bought for my Xmas shopping so far:
(I like shopping for myself, at least then I wont be disappointed when no one gives me anything good)

1. 2 X Cobra Heat Mats
2. A bunch of african giant millipedes (got them before Xmas but they were part of my xmas bundle)

3. A bunch of roaches, got them from Colin, thanks again Colin!

4. My Betta fish.

Animal/Accessories That I'm Planning To Get:

1. 200 watt aquarium heater
2. Christmas Moss for the aquarium (which I nickname XMOSS lol)
3. More Cherry Shrimps.

4. Female betta

I can't get any pets for ppl cause everyone around me hates bugs. I told my gf i'd get her a pet roach and thats when I got kicked out of the house.

Its better than a puppy!!! I don't see roaches peeing all over your furniture!!

(She's trying to get a puppy....sigh...I'll get her one even though we can't afford keeping it...)

She wants a black cocker spaniel (which are expensive as heck...)

Non Pet Items:

1. Okay, I got hecka PS/PS2 games for Christmas....they're for relatives and stuff. Like my friend, whose a doctor, has a son thats into old rare collectors kinda game. I got him a MINT CONDITION final fantasy 7 and Grandia.
2. I'm paying part of the ticket to Vietnam for my mom (I'm going to be soooo broke)
3. Getting my mom a new cordless house telephone (she really wanted one)
4. Getting my gf a pen mouse so she can use photoshop CS2 (she's an artist)

The rest I'm still planning.

5. Oh yeah, a 500 GB internal harddrive for myself. Need space to store all those music/movie files and I need it for my future video editing projects.

Later folks!


Old Timer
Sep 10, 2007
Ah lol!

I was gonna get a nintendo Wii but then I was my ps2 is still pretty damn good.
i agree.. i want a ps3 sooo bad! assains creed is sooo awsome


Old Timer
Sep 29, 2007
i agree.. i want a ps3 sooo bad! assains creed is sooo awsome
Is ps3 good now? I heard that when it came out there were hella problems with it safe to buy and is it worth it?

I can't decide now on which new systems to get. Wii, PS3, Xbox360

U guys don't want any animals? :p

I still want an S gigantea and a giant Solifugid


Old Timer
Nov 25, 2004
Don't get a wii. Sure, it may be cheap and work without problems, but thats about where the fun ends. Nearly all of the games are either ports or based off of movies. Most all of the "originals" suck, and they suck bad. I think Brawl is one of the very few games coming out for the wii that will probably be fun.

Get a 360 or a PS3. You can still get virtual console games(which is pretty much all I use my wii for), and there are many games that are probably very entertaining, not to mention the graphics are a hundred times better than anything you'll see for the wii.


Old Timer
Jul 8, 2007
I'm going to be buying my ex boyfriend a bigger tank for his firebelly toads. He's been wanting a 20 long for them forever but is hella broke, so I'll probably pick one up at the White Plains Expo for cheap (or at least cheaper than in overpriced chain stores). I'm going to try and convince him to get me an OBT in return since they're really dirt cheap, and the only way my parents said I could get another is if someone got it for me or if I adopted it from a rescue. They don't like my present OBT and figured this would be an easy way to prevent another one. I'm craftier than that. Other than that, our family has a $50 limit for reach other, and most of the stuff I need costs a heckofalot more than that (ie. a pond filter for my 300g goldfish bin). So, I'll probably ask one of them to get me a few bags of Harrison's Adult Lifetime Coarse for my parrots, since that's painfully expensive. My mom allegedly has some great surprise for me (read: something I don't actually want or need or I'd have asked for it). And my dad has no clue what to get me but he hates my animals so I'm sure it'll end up being a couple of books. Perhaps the National Wildlife Federation Insect and Spider Field Guide being one of them. :D

Now, I buy or make gifts for all of my critters, which is a tall order considering the sheer numbers. This year finances are slim, so I bought a bunch of cheap unfinished wooden beads, wicker balls, bells, and hemp rope, and will be making toys for all of the birds and rodents. The rabbits are getting wicker baskets to chew up and play with. Chickens, just a bunch of treats. Same probably goes for the dog; the dog is blind and deaf and ancient, thus not the best at playing any more. The cat I'll have to think of something. Maybe some catnip or dollar store toys.
I might spend legitimate money and buy a new filter for the 300g bin, because I can use the old filter for the 75, and ITS old filter for the 55, as both my common and fancy goldies AND my bullfrog all need bigger, better filters. This way I'll only have to blow money on one. Their present can be clean filter cartriges. Haha.
And the bugs will just get treats. Baby food for the roaches, turkey for the millipedes, roaches for the T's and scorps. No idea on what I'll do for my anole or golden gecko... maybe butterworms and phoenix worms for the latter. I'd really like to upgrade the Gecko's living space but that's not realistically happening unless some of these damn mice die before Christmas.
So yeah... large pet shopping list, but cheap for once.


Old Timer
Sep 29, 2007
what does it mean?
and what on earth is a wii?
I'm really old..forgive me.

Your comment sent chills down my spine because I had a dream a few years back that I was in some forum and someone said the same thing as you said, almost the exact same thing you said. Basically the last 2-3 posts above that, I've seen it in my dreams already but only noticed it after you posted ur comment.

Its like when I saw your comment it was like deja vu! Thats so weird.

Ren, sounds like you're gonna have an interesting Christmas. I never really thought of making my pets something for Xmas, thats a pretty neat idea.

I wonder what I should make my centipedes, millipedes, roaches, shrimps and lizard?

Centipede - Maybe I'll try to find him a fake centipede so he wont feel so lonely :p

No clue for the rest.....

I'm a shopaholic so when I start buying stuff....I get pretty expensive. BUY NOW REGRET LATER! (I wish I was rich cause then I can take out the regret part :p)


Old Timer
Sep 29, 2007
what does it mean?
and what on earth is a wii?
I'm really old..forgive me.
Oh btw sorry I forgot about the original question

Wii = Nintendo Wii (Search for it, you'll see) Its a game system basically, pretty recently made too.

When I said read up it means read above the post because I asked him the same thing and he gave me an answer. :D


Old Timer
Sep 10, 2007
BFG Nvidia 8800 ultra ;)
Intel GO Q6600 2.4ghz quad-core to finish things off.


Old Timer
Feb 16, 2005
a Solomon island tree boa, hopefully.

if the guy ever replies to my e-mail.


Old Timer
Jul 7, 2007
Oh btw sorry I forgot about the original question

Wii = Nintendo Wii (Search for it, you'll see) Its a game system basically, pretty recently made too.

When I said read up it means read above the post because I asked him the same thing and he gave me an answer. :D
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