Chinese Mantis?


Old Timer
Jul 19, 2002
Hi all,
I caught what appears to be a Chinese mantis (not sure of the scientific name) and am curious how long I can expect it to live. I know this sounds vague as my speciality is in tarantulas, but this one is green with a brownish coloration and is about 4.5" from head to abdomen.
It came on a pine tree I purchased for my wife and has been living in our front bushes. With it starting to get cold, my daughter asked if I could bring it in for the winter. What I am wondering is will it make it through the winter or is it a seasonal animal that will die within the next few months.
Its eating well (6 or more crickets daily) and appears healthy with the exception of one of its eyes (one has a large black spot covering over half of the eye)
Any suggestions would be greatly appreciated
P.S. I live in south-eastern Virginia if that helps with the species.


Old Timer
Dec 29, 2002
It sounds you have a chinese mantis (Tenedora sinensis). They normally die after the first hard frost. It should live another month or two. If you cut down on the feeding it will live longer. Two crickets every 2 or 3 days should be fine. If it is female (which it probably is), she should be fertile and any oothecae she produces should be fertile.