Chinchilla Questions and pics


Old Timer
Feb 15, 2006
First pics link So I have a few questions but first here are my chins: (male) 1 year old Chinny in grey, (female) 6 weeks old oatmeal in white, and (Female) 4 years old Ella in black. Anyways I Have three chins I got chinny in Jan and loved him and decided this last week to pick up a few more chins.
1. The cage I'm using is 2x2x4.8 feet is this enough room for three chins?
2. I introduced them all with in the last week and there have not been any fights Chinny just mounted the females several times but it was not aggressive and he is not doing it as often now maybe just once or twice when I play with them for three hours or so?
3. They have been cohabiting for the last 8 hours do you think they will be fine for over night?

Any helpful hints are great :)