Chilocorus kuwanae


Old Timer
Jun 4, 2006
Just discovered a few Chilocorus kuwanae ladybugs in my yard (long island, NY) and read up on them and they dont seem to be too commonly found in the U.S. From what I read they were introduced by the USDA from Korea to eat a type of invasive scale insect here and they did a great job so far.

Can anyone tell me more about them, are they endangered/rare? I just informed the Lost Ladybug Project at Cornell University of my find and sent a photo of it. They made the i.d. as Chilocorus kuwanae ,and they said I was the first person this year in the U.S. to find any, so I assume they arent abundant.

I feel proud cause growing up people thought liking insects was dumb and sports were life (for guys), but now, liking insects is proving to be helpful for everyone!. :)