

Old Timer
Jan 8, 2008
We used to have a few chickens, and it was nice having fresh free-range eggs each day. For a few years, I've been trying to convince my mom to let us get a few again, and on friday, we worked out a deal- i had to clean up a bit around the house, and then i could get some chicks. So on saturday, we went to the feedstore and got 4 chicks. two died overnight, probably from the stress of being moved around two much. One almost didn't make it. the two that survived were an ameraucana and a rhode island red. yesterday morning, we got a third one, we think its an australorp. And this morning, my mom went back to the feed store and got a fourth one, lol. I haven't seen the new one yet, and have no idea what breed she might be! I'm really looking forward to those fresh eggs in about 7 months!
Here's a pic of the rhode island red and the ameraucana:

And here's the australorp:


Old Timer
May 2, 2005
Nice, I just hatched out a solitary Silkie Bantam. I don't want to get on a rant but someone I work with didn't think it was necessary to remind the next shift to put water in the incubator. :wall: So we have one little guy all by himself. Hopefully he will gain some weight fast so we can place him back with the adults.


Old Timer
Sep 8, 2003
I love chickens!! They are so much fun to watch. They all have such funny personalities. Ive been thinking about getting a wee flock of silkies... the neighbor dog killed our only silky hen. :(

awww all our babies are all growed up! Our australorp is the sweetest hen we have. She just looks so feminine!! Very pretty chicken. My daughter takes her for wagon rides and she just sits there all pretty and enjoys it.

We have a rhode island red too. She was given to us because she was pasted up as a chick and we were told she was just going to die. I washed her and held her for 3 days and kept her warm, now shes the dominant chicken of the flock!! My boy named her crunchy! :)


Old Timer
Jan 8, 2008
bantams are so cute, I'd like to have some someday. Right now I can only have good layers.
The new one my mom brought home today looks like its a black ameraucana.
I really want to get some polish hens, I love their crowns! I was looking at different breeds, and i think the polish are my favorite. I think in a few months, I might order a few pullets, if I can talk my mom into it. I might do it even if I can't talk my mom into it, lol. She thinks they are ugly. She's weird.


Old Timer
Jan 8, 2008
I love chickens!! They are so much fun to watch. They all have such funny personalities. Ive been thinking about getting a wee flock of silkies... the neighbor dog killed our only silky hen. :(

awww all our babies are all growed up! Our australorp is the sweetest hen we have. She just looks so feminine!! Very pretty chicken. My daughter takes her for wagon rides and she just sits there all pretty and enjoys it.

We have a rhode island red too. She was given to us because she was pasted up as a chick and we were told she was just going to die. I washed her and held her for 3 days and kept her warm, now shes the dominant chicken of the flock!! My boy named her crunchy! :)
How cute! My mom said our red is going to be the dominant one. She's the youngest of the four, but she's a fiesty little thing!
My brother really likes the little australorp, because she looks like a penguin. I told him she's going to grow out of that coloring, but he doesn't want to believe me.
I can't wait until they grow up! I mean, I love them when they are cute little balls of fuzz, but they get so beautiful when they grow up. And I'm looking forward to those eggs...


Old Timer
May 2, 2005
bantams are so cute, I'd like to have some someday. Right now I can only have good layers.
The new one my mom brought home today looks like its a black ameraucana.
I really want to get some polish hens, I love their crowns! I was looking at different breeds, and i think the polish are my favorite. I think in a few months, I might order a few pullets, if I can talk my mom into it. I might do it even if I can't talk my mom into it, lol. She thinks they are ugly. She's weird.
Bantam silkies are great layers. The eggs are freaking tiny, but there's a lot of them at least. {D