Chance of escape?


Old Timer
Aug 11, 2003
My b.auratum is in a tank with a screen top. Today for some reason it kept climbing all over the place, it was hanging around the screen top for long time. I wasn't too worried because it ran around on it for awhile and didn't seem like one of its leg could get stuck. I left it alone for 2 hours or so, came back and I can't find it now. :confused:

Is there a chance for it to leave or did it just burrow? Logic would suggest that it could't have escape. No signs of forced exit was found. If it did burrow won't it have a hole somewhere that I can see where it is or have a idea where it made the hole? I don't see any holes or its butt stickin out of anywhere. Its been a few hours now since I am new to the hobbie, I am gettin kinda worried.


Old Timer
Nov 10, 2002
how big is the T? and the screen top is it secure all the way around, no gaps of any kind. Is it one of those black metal screen tops?


Old Timer
May 17, 2003
If the substrate doesn't look disturbed, it likely escaped. How big was it and what sort of container and lid were you using?



Old Timer
Aug 11, 2003
The T was about 3inch and yeah its one of those black metal screens. Its really a tight fit, and screen is not broken in anyway. The net pattern (holes) in the screen isn't even big enough for it to get its leg stuck, so I can't see how it could have gotten out throw those. I can't really tell where in the substrate it could have dig its burrow. This is only my 4th day having it, so maybe I just dunno what to really look for. If it went into burrow is there a chance it could get trapped?


Old Timer
Aug 11, 2003
Jungle Mix. Its really hard to tell whats going on in there, I haven't been able to find eaten crickets too. :8o


Old Timer
Nov 10, 2002
Originally posted by Nameless
The T was about 3inch and yeah its one of those black metal screens. Its really a tight fit, and screen is not broken in anyway. The net pattern (holes) in the screen isn't even big enough for it to get its leg stuck, so I can't see how it could have gotten out throw those. I can't really tell where in the substrate it could have dig its burrow. This is only my 4th day having it, so maybe I just dunno what to really look for. If it went into burrow is there a chance it could get trapped?
It probably burrowed. T's will wrap up the substrate they dig out with webbing to make it easier to transport. They in turn will use it to camoflage their new hom. If you done see any possible way for the T to have escaped then it must have burrowed. And no the T can't get trapped, it dug the hole it can get out.


Old Timer
Mar 10, 2003
yeah, i've had that issue with some of my slings... i switched to the bed-a-beast/eco-earth stuff and haven't had any problems losing my guys lately.....

but with the jungle mix, if it isn't pretty moist it's really easy for it to just settle right back where it was before the T started digging IME... I'd say scour the room, dark places, etc... (think like a T)

also take a flashlight and see if there is any webbing on the outside of the cage, most T's tend to leave a little trail of webbing that's slightly reflective when they are out and about.....

hope it might help in anyway....

also you might want to tink about putting something heavy, like a book or flowerpot on top of the screen to weigh it down, that way there's virtuallt no way the T could force it's way out....

and if that fails (the search) sorry i tangent jump.... try carefully brushing through the substrate if you're really worried... just be careful, it tends to piss some of them off....



Old Timer
Aug 11, 2003
Thanks for all the advice everyone. And I am so happy, I just found it. It finally took to the hide I made for it. It was way in the back and I guess it burrowed into the substrate in there and that is why I coudn't find it. I was looking into the flowerpot and all of a sudden i see something starting to come out of the substrate. =D Glad it was in there too since it never went into the hide the last 4 days. I hope it makes it it's new home.


Old Timer
Mar 10, 2003
yeah, most of mine don't take to their hides for a few days at least.... my big A. geniculata just started using her new hide today, after about 3 days....

but glad to hear your T's all safe and sound :D


Old Timer
Aug 5, 2003
Glad to hear you found it. I just saw the post and read start to finish and I was gonna ask if there was a hide in the enclosure or anything that could mask where it might have gone under the substrate. That is how the T's at the pet store always hang out, burried half deep in the chips in the most hidden area under the hide so there's no visible trace until you start digging for them.

From what you've described, I'm assuming you have it in a 10 gal fish tank with a metal framed / metal mesh lid? That's probably way bigger than you want for a 3" T. You can get a plastic critter keeper from the pet store for about $10 that is about a foot long and about 6" wide that will more than suffice for the current size of your T.

I also recommened switching to the eco-earth or other brand name shredded coconut husk substrate that can be bought in small bricks. Hydrate it in a bucket to expand it, squeeze the water out as much as you can, set up the enclosure and give it a day or so to dry out some more before introducing your T to it's nice new home. Add a small plastic dish, or pet store rockscape water dish along with the hide you mentioned, and keep the dish full to maintain humidity and a fresh supply of drinking water for the T, and don't overdo it if you moisten the substrate at a later time for increased humidity when expecting a molt.

Excellent species for a first T, by the way. I hope you really enjoy it. :D If you have any other problems / questions, this is definately a good place to sort them out! Lots of knowlegable people here.
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Old Timer
Aug 11, 2003
:p Yeah its a 10gal. I wanted a 5 gal one but the pet store didn't have it. :mad: It was only 20bucks so I figured why not, then I got it home and started reading more about Ts and found that it would be too big. :D I will most likely move it to a 5gal once the store has some in stock again.

Is there a reason that I shouldn't use jungle mix? I seen the brick kind at the store I think it was bed-a-beast brand ones. I didn't get that because I wasn't sure how much it would come out to be after it expands. That 10gal and worrying the T will fall to its deaths also played a part in gettin jungle mix, I got 2 bags of that stuff just to fill it high enough so the T won't get hurt from a fall.

Its only my 4th day and I must say I am glad I got into the hobby. I actully wake up at night to watch them move around, lol. And thanks again to everyone for the advice. :)