Look at the poster at that video- the common animal rights activist group, PETA. Although the events in this video may have indeed happened, it is not to say such thing is common. PETA is legendary for their biased propaganda.
Edit: As a gentlemen on youtube pointed out, it appears that the boids in this video may be suffering from Inclusion Body Disease.
Edit2: USGE is old news, by the way. It wasn't a chain pet store, but an animal wholesaler.
pretty much anything peta should be ignored... This year they boycotted our circus, and i stood in line with them chanting "YAY! OBAMA! GO OBAMA" then just looked at one confused and said.. wait... this isn't a political rally? shoot.... nevermind.
Yeah, I'd recommend that those of us who enjoy debating/arguing should join a PETA forum. I'm just waiting to see some trolling worthy of copy-pasting...
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