I find collection threads so much fun to look through that I though it would be a good idea to share and start my own
. Also, I'm down with the flu at the moment so I guess now is as good a time as any!
My first tarantulas ever were a pair of Psalmopoeus irminia slings, which I got after lots of research. On arrival they were quite small but grew incredibly quickly:
I've also had 2 species of Avicularia,
Avicularia sp. avicularia which matured into a male
Avicularia sp. Peru Purple. One of the slings arrived after a bad moult but I managed to pull it through
My first tarantulas ever were a pair of Psalmopoeus irminia slings, which I got after lots of research. On arrival they were quite small but grew incredibly quickly:

I've also had 2 species of Avicularia,
Avicularia sp. avicularia which matured into a male

Avicularia sp. Peru Purple. One of the slings arrived after a bad moult but I managed to pull it through