I've been seeing more and more on here about centipedes and was wondering , on average how long do they live ? I'm sure it depends on different species ,males and females and who know what else . Was just curious .
the small garden/stone centipedes can live for 5+ years and are next sexually mature for years after hatching! crazy how many of them are out there, all things considered http://bugguide.net/node/view/13169/bgimage
OK I think there was a slight misunderstanding I dont mean ones found in the wild , at least not near me , I'm talking about ones bought at pet stores , rep. shows and so on . The only one that comes to mind as far as a name is a cherry head .
It may be best to ask about a specific species(like you did, the Cherry Red). That is a Sc subspinipes, and I'm not sure about this but it seems like I remember reading something like around 6 years(?) But the ones you buy are usually adults so it could die of old age a day after you buy it. Or it could last several more years, you never know. So it's prob not a bad idea to buy smaller, younger ones instead of the big ones people impulsively buy if you want to increase the odds of it lasting longer while you have it anyway.
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