It has the look of one of the various "wooley bears" which turn in to tiger moths. If it is eating I would go ahead and rear it out and see what you get.
That was my first thought too, but the citrus as a host threw me off, don't know what it is:? I saw it early this morning eating leaves on the 2ft tall tree, it's a lot bigger. Now I can't find it, I don't know where that sucker goes but when it does, I just can't find that thing. I'm going to bring the tree in when I see it again. I hope a paper wasp didn't get it. A paper wasp almost got it as I took the pic you see there. I'm curious since I haven't gotten an ID yet.
I found it. I guess it goes to the base of the tree to molt or after it's full. Could be instinct to go to a safer place, I've seen wasps try and get it. It drops to the ground when a wasp flies by.
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