Cat vs Human vs Cat vs Human vs

The Snark

Dumpster Fire of the Gods
Old Timer
Aug 8, 2005
So the cat, Gnarly, decided a while back the tastiest treat on the planet is used sanitary napkins. Okay, she's a little strange. The last and least, runt of the litter and came out backwards was a clue.
Then she expanded on this. Any sanitary napkin. Tears open new packages to get at them. Dig's them out of the bosses purse. Gnawed and mangled, left all over the floor for yours truly to clean up.
Bringing this to the attention of the boss produces the result of her scolding or yelling at the cat, ignoring her always leaving her purse unzipped or the drawer where they are stored open.
And around and around they go. Been like this for a year now. Downstairs is strewn far and wide with $30 or $40 of new and shredded napkins this AM. I'm going on strike until they get a grip.
The Gnarly

Meanwhile, the other cat quite wisely doesn't want any part of this fandango.

The Snark

Dumpster Fire of the Gods
Old Timer
Aug 8, 2005
Yeah, right. Innocent as babes. Baby succubus. Gnarly is impossible. Had her eyes open 24 hours after squirting out. Able to worm out of their basin in a week, unable to walk she took leaps and face dives. Walking after 2 weeks. Bulldozed all her siblings, all larger than her, away from mom so she could have her choice of teat. Sure got some kind of agenda going.
That pic is her at 2 weeks old, able to climb up onto that chair while her siblings were still worming around on the floor.

The Snark

Dumpster Fire of the Gods
Old Timer
Aug 8, 2005
She just barfed up a huge wad of sanitary napkin fluff. The other cat goes pee in the bath tub. Gnarly goes there to pee or lick around the drain, or both. Living up to your name, aren't you, you little freak!


Old Timer
Oct 25, 2014
I want the kitten in the first pic! It looks like it survived Chernobyl!

The Snark

Dumpster Fire of the Gods
Old Timer
Aug 8, 2005
I want the kitten in the first pic! It looks like it survived Chernobyl!
uhuh. She named herself. I took one look at her when she squirmed out, face mostly bald, maybe leprosy blotches on her skin, and thought, 'Now that's gnarly!'.


Old Timer
Mar 21, 2012

Seriously, it's awesome. Maybe TMI, but whatever, I didn't start the topic! It's cheaper (buy one and you're good for years!), eco-friendly (not putting napkins/tampons/wrappers etc. in the trash month after month), and very convenient (you're set all day with no worries).

I'll send one to the boss, Snark, if she'd like one and you can't get them over there.


Old Timer
Jul 15, 2011
Kitties!!!! It's always amazing seeing the different personalities and fixations. We have one that steals hair ties, she even opens cupboards and digs them out of the box they are in.


Mohawk, the hair tie bandit.

The Snark

Dumpster Fire of the Gods
Old Timer
Aug 8, 2005
Seriously, it's awesome. Maybe TMI, but whatever, I didn't start the topic! It's cheaper (buy one and you're good for years!), eco-friendly (not putting napkins/tampons/wrappers etc. in the trash month after month), and very convenient (you're set all day with no worries).

I'll send one to the boss, Snark, if she'd like one and you can't get them over there.
Offer much appreciated/ Multiple problems. A friend who owns a pharmacy tried to sell them. Import duty tax put the price tag at around $115. Then we have a major fungus and yeast problem here due to the tropics and tap water not chlorinated. The silicone harbors organisms and must be sterilized in a pretty powerful solution and if it isn't rinsed very carefully with bottled water serious problems can arise. Third problem is a lot of women here, apparently a racial genetic modification, places the cervix extremely low in the birth canal. Partial cervix prolapse which the boss suffers from is common.
Then, possibly the worst of all, the government gets into things. A little puritanical mindset from the ministry of health got many devices banned. This is on the list of potentially abused products along with vaginally inserted products like tampons. Douches and enema gear got banned outright for being potential sex toys. (Eyes rolling, smacking forehead. Unreal. Feminine hygiene products are in the same category as opiate drugs,)
Last edited:


Old Timer
Mar 21, 2012
Ugh, what a mess. Sorry to hear that. My sister has health problems that preclude her from using them, too.

I'd like to see the government ban a cucumber. Or a polished stick. Or motorcycles? Ladies can get pretty creative when necessary...

The Snark

Dumpster Fire of the Gods
Old Timer
Aug 8, 2005
Ladies can get pretty creative when necessary...
Considering the shortcomings of the male combined with it's ego... can't say that I blame them.

The shortcomings of the male. Triple entendre antioxymoron? o_O

The Snark

Dumpster Fire of the Gods
Old Timer
Aug 8, 2005
Five minutes ago.
" The cat is eating another one of your pads."
-"I put them away!"
"So you are telling me a cat is more capable of finding and digging them out than you are at hiding them? I really need to give you a lecture on evolution!"


Nov 16, 2015
My cats don't do much. They eat, sleep, sleep, run around, and chew up all the chewable things in my house. At least the older one stopped collecting socks. Nothing else is sacred. Bags, bottles, caps, cardboard, and when she's mad, (the older one) she uses me to take out her anger. I don't even have any molts anymore besides three, they smashed the rest. Is nothing sacred to these animals?

The Snark

Dumpster Fire of the Gods
Old Timer
Aug 8, 2005
Is nothing sacred to these animals?
I think there is. The sacred law of cat: 'We the members of the tribe Felis Domesticus, have been endowed with the absolute and inalienable right to hunt ______________*. In the pursuit of the hobby / psychosis / dementia we may ignore any and all rules, laws, regulations, training and imposed restrictions, both real and implied, even if it amounts to the complete and total devastation and destruction of the habitat we share with humans.'

* In our case, geckos.

The Snark

Dumpster Fire of the Gods
Old Timer
Aug 8, 2005
My turn for the gooey cat love pic.
Two moms. That's the Gnarl, front and center