Cat - remarkable

The Snark

Dumpster Fire of the Gods
Old Timer
Aug 8, 2005
Half awake, I wandered into the bathroom, followed by See Kow the cat. She made her usual MEOOOWs to get my attention, walked around the edge of the bath tub then squatted over the drain. Staring at me fixedly she went pee while very softly going meew, meew.

The more I think about it the more perplexed I become. She waited until I was present. She could have gone there any time during the night. Unlike a normal cat doing an accident, hiding somewhere, she wanted me to know. How did she reason all this out? Did she actually want me to know the cat box needed servicing? How did she know there would be no chastisement for doing it there?
The only answer that encompasses everything is 'Time to mess with his head. What can I do that would untilt his entire day?' Which she certainly accomplished.

Louise E. Rothstein

Old Timer
Feb 10, 2005
She did say something.
But what did she say?

Let's check two things:

DID the cat box need servicing?

Does she know what drains do...?

The Snark

Dumpster Fire of the Gods
Old Timer
Aug 8, 2005
She did say something.
But what did she say?

Let's check two things:

DID the cat box need servicing?

Does she know what drains do...?
You have left me even more mystified.

When we give her a bath which we do regularly, the first thing she does upon getting wet is leak, into the tub. We never chastise her for that and of course, that is a common neurological reaction, no thinking involved. But she leaks in the tub, not near the drain.

The drain to her is a place to get a quick drink of water. Sometimes flavored water. She licks around the drain. She still likes the flavor of antiseptic and, lacking frontal lobes has not connected that stuff with her almost dying.

Does she know what drains do? This is Thailand! I'm not even sure what some drains around here do. The drains make interesting noises which fascinates her. (P traps on all drains has not yet been understood and incorporated into Thai plumbing.)

Yes, the cat box needed servicing. The other cat, AKA Big Generator - BG for short, produces more fertilizer than the dog.

What did she say? She said meeep 3 times. An odd sound for her.
She has a vast repertoire of sounds, and variations on those sounds. As example, when there is a gecko on the wall needing eating she makes a short very loud MEEOW! But yesterday she got chastised, a spanking, for sneaking into the computer room (door sneak and dash) and this morning she asked to hunt geckos out on the porch. The same short sound, but this time subdued meeow.

I have put some serious effort into sorting out the sounds she makes and she responds to the meow sounds I make. Meeeooooow Meeeooooow is dinner time. MEEOW MEEOW!! is come get the gecko. MEOW MEOW, short and sharp is pay attention and softly is come here which she obeys. A very long soft meeeeooooooooooow confuses her as it apparently means nothing but she has started emulating that sound at idle moments. The other cat has now got into vocalizing. Her sounds are completely different. See Cow's I'm hungry is a meep meep. (Twice, always) while BG is a soft very long meeeeeeeeeeew, up to 5 or 6 seconds without the OW inflection on the end. The inflection on the end of the word, OOW is some sort of emphasis. It goes along with certain states of mind, but I haven't been able to sort that out.

There is also word repetition. Once is common vocalizing. Twice is more specific and of greater import, and three times is very unusal. The words that specifically express something are always singular and usually sharp or softer couplets.

PS I read a while ago some cat genius who explained a cat rubbing against your leg isn't affection but just marking territory. If that is the case, what does it mean when the cat circle rubs your leg 3 times then carefully and precisely sits on your foot and refuses to move?
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Old Timer
Jun 8, 2012
"Does she know what drains do? This is Thailand! I'm not even sure what some drains around here do."

"...what does it mean when the cat circle rubs your leg 3 times then carefully and precisely sits on your foot and refuses to move?"

Thanks for the laughs!! Your cat sounds related to mine!


The Snark

Dumpster Fire of the Gods
Old Timer
Aug 8, 2005
"Does she know what drains do? This is Thailand! I'm not even sure what some drains around here do."

"...what does it mean when the cat circle rubs your leg 3 times then carefully and precisely sits on your foot and refuses to move?"

Thanks for the laughs!! Your cat sounds related to mine!


I forgot the two most important words. Random Meeeee ooooooooooo, means 'Big Generator has done her legendary thing and if you don't clean the cat box soon I may have an accident. Please attend to this immediately as I'm very uncomfortable'. And moooooooooo repeated is it's time to pick me up and cuddle.