Cat Pacifier Kit - the ultimate in cat toys!

The Snark

Dumpster Fire of the Gods
Old Timer
Aug 8, 2005
Tired of your furniture torn to shreds?? Does your cat just lie around the house like an over sized lump of pizza dough? Well look no further. Our cat happiness kit is the ultimate solution for indoor cat boredom as it helps to wean them from destruction of your household!

First we offer the ultimate in diverting your cat from scratching and clawing. Simply place the specially designed device on the floor and your cats will be attracted to it like a magnet! Durable, it is 100% guaranteed to last 50 years under normal cat use and abuse.

Accompanying the claw and scratch we have the play toys. The kit comes with 20 toys that are also guaranteed for 50 years! Your cat will never get tired of them and will while away many happy hours toying as they please, chasing and batting them about.

Reword the above by an advertising agency like the one that marketed the Pet Rock. The scratching/clawing diversion device is a 2 foot length of rough sawn 2x4 lumber, soaked in catnip tea. The play toys are 12 inch heavy duty black zip ties that cats always seem to think are snakes.