Cat habits


Jul 28, 2012
Do any of you have a cat that loves stealing stuff or just has strange habits in general?

My cat Moki loves tape and plastic, she'd eat it if I'd let her. She even ran off with a roll of tape at one point while I was trying to use it.

Rin, one of the two trouble making sibling 7mo. olds I have is obsessed with the ice maker on the fridge. Like when she hears it beep from anywhere in the house she is right there waiting for an ice cube. She then grabs it with her teeth and jumps the dog gate into the other room so the dogs won't steal it and plays ice hockey on the tile by the front door and when she's done she puts it in a shoe. I recently watched her claw my husbands jacket off the back of a chair and then grab it with her teeth and pull it out of the room, it was funny because it was obviously not an easy task.


Jul 28, 2012
here's some photos :D

I can make that happen since she does it so often, I'll get my husband to film it for me. Here is a photo of her in the mean time, she is an interesting cat and so is her sister.



The Snark

Dumpster Fire of the Gods
Old Timer
Aug 8, 2005
By any chance, is that one of those cats that loves to cuddle up to you, put on a cuteness act, then casually sink a fang or two into you?


Jul 28, 2012
By any chance, is that one of those cats that loves to cuddle up to you, put on a cuteness act, then casually sink a fang or two into you?
No, she's actually the sweetest most mellow cat I've ever seen. Now Rin, the fluffy one is a little snobby sometimes but even she's a cuddle bug.


Aug 20, 2012
My cat likes to steal spinach and lettuce. She also very much enjoys nabbing french fries when you aren't looking! But probably the weirdest is how much she loved the banana flavored saltwater taffy I had from the state fair. She didn't like any of the other flavors, just banana. She really liked pulling it with her teeth- I didn't actually let her ingest much just held it while she pulled at it a little at a time, but it was hilarious.

Edit- A picture of my trouble-maker:



Old Timer
Jun 4, 2006
One of my cats has multiple odd habits.

Has to be walked to his food bowl to eat
Drinks running water
Carries his toys up the stairs meowing


ArachnoVixen AKA Dream Crusher AKA Heartbreaker
Staff member
Sep 14, 2009
Nothing cats do shocks me, cats are just plain weird, and quirky. I have one who steals everything...strings, tinfoil, paper, hair elastics, hair barrettes, my kids toys, you name it she will steal it. She will go into the garbage for this stuff. She also has a tomato fetish, she wont eat them, but dont leave them out because she will bite the crap out of them and take them and hide them.

My Ragdoll will repeatedly kill her toy mouse (my girls dont go out), that isnt weird really, but she will bring it to you and meow non stop until you tell her what a good cat she is for killing it. She will do 50 times in a row if you continue to praise her (I end up having to hide the mouse toy because she gets so OCD about it).

I had a cat in the past who was not only a kleptomaniac, but a hoarder too. She hid everything she stole under an armchair in the living room, if you tried to retrieve it she would go from sweet and loving to evil, hissing and spitting.

Cats do weird really well. In all my years as a vet tech I dont think Ive ever met a cat who wasnt quirky in one way or another. :)

Oh also, both my cats refuse to drink the water from their bowl (or any other bowl for that matter), they want to drink from the faucet or toilet. The Ragdoll did this when I adopted her, and I guess she taught Meka when I got her as a kitten. Meka will also beg for food just like a dog, and will try just about anything. She also refuses to eat out of their bowl. She takes a mouthful of kibble, takes it to any carpeted area, spits it out and proceeds to eat it from piece at a time.

*Please forgive my lack of punctuation, the keyboard on the BFs laptop seems to be having issues today.


Apr 6, 2013
Honestly I think all cats have odd habits xD

One of mine rolls around the second she goes outside (Guess she likes the feeling of ceramic?)
My other one will steal food (He once ate half a chicken burger)

Both like to run around and meow LOUDLY with toys in their mouth! xD


Jan 4, 2013
My cat (Oscar) plays fetch. He'll bring you a toy and you're supposed to throw it. Also, all the toys are belong to him. His brother's toys, the dog's toys and any other small objects that he finds. They are HIS. He's a combination of dumb as rocks and mad as a hatter. He manages to jump off something, forget to stretch out his paws, nd land on his head. also when he's in your way and you use your foot or hand to try and move him, he'll fall over and you have to slide him out of the way. Likes to be put in a plastic bag and be carried around. When he's tiered of it he'll make a hole with his nails and slide out.

His brother (Zoidberg) knows words, like yum yum and 'ranja' which is dutch for lemonade. I don't think he knows the meaning of the words though. Also steals potato peels to play with. Other fruit or vegetables are not acceptable. Only potato peels.

Both cats have a cardboard fetish. They see a box, they must shred it. It's usually team work.


Aug 3, 2012
My cats aren't special. Ones fat and one has a tail twitch. That's pretty much it.


Apr 3, 2013
My cat steals q-tips and cotton balls out of the trash can. I find it to be a bit of an odd habit. Then the dog finds the stolen cotton ball or q-tips and proceeds to tear it up into very small pieces under someone's bed.

The Snark

Dumpster Fire of the Gods
Old Timer
Aug 8, 2005
My cat had a psychosis of some sort. He had a compulsion of sinking his teeth through cardboard. All cardboard boxes around the house eventually sported a perforated fringe on all exposed edge. He would work tirelessly, sometimes around the clock, on a major project like the extra large case bathroom tissue rolls come in. He had this compulsion his entire life.
His companion cat was a bruiser. Self composed and assured solid block of muscle. He loved to fight but never used fangs and claws. He would pick an opportune moment then put his head down and charge like a bull. The impact inevitably was the end of the battle as he sent any foe flying. The power he packed was exemplified one evening when he charged a large male racoon, sending it flying about 8 feet to slam into the side of the hot tub about 2 1/2 feet in the air. This cat, Fred, was unusual in that he never quit growing. He grew at less than 1/2 the speed of a normal cat weighing only 1 1/2 pounds at 1 year of age. He gained about 1 1/2 pounds every year for the rest of his life.


Jan 4, 2013
My cat had a psychosis of some sort. He had a compulsion of sinking his teeth through cardboard. All cardboard boxes around the house eventually sported a perforated fringe on all exposed edge. He would work tirelessly, sometimes around the clock, on a major project like the extra large case bathroom tissue rolls come in. He had this compulsion his entire life.
I had a cat (that has since died) that did the same thing! He'd sit in the box and nibble the edges, he'd go around and around and there'd be a ring of tiny cardboard shreds around the box. He'd be in deep concentration when he did this, not even food could bring him out of his trance.

Also I used to have a cat, years ago, that talked to walls. He'd sit right in front of the wall and 'talk' to it. Then when you interrupted him he got angry. 'Can't you see I'm having a conversation?'