Cat doesn't feel well kinda emergency

Cirith Ungol

Ministry of Fluffy Bunnies
Old Timer
Dec 22, 2004
If there's anybody out there who can give me some quick support I'd be thankful.

My cat:
He doesn't eat or drink, he hasn't been to the loo since yesterday. He wants to be alone and preferebly in the dark, he doesn't want me to touch him and pulls away, he doesn't talk or anything like that either.

Yesterday when I tried to lift him (or was it the day before?) he seemed to be a bit in pain and screamed briefly, he's never done that before.

His eyes look normal. The mouth is a slightly differen matter, it seems as if the lips have a yellowish glow about them. Some days ago he drank some water but puked it up again. He seems to have eaten quite little the recent days.

None of the veterinaries in my area are open for emergency drop ins it seems, I've called them all and I got nowhere with them.

Another problem is that I'm going away until sunday in 1 hour so....


Cirith Ungol

Ministry of Fluffy Bunnies
Old Timer
Dec 22, 2004
A little update...

I've gotten him some green leaf sallad, he usually likes to eat that and some tuna in oil. He ate a little bit of tuna half an hour ago and he has now been on the loo. What he did I don't know but to me that looks good. I hope it IS good!


Jun 2, 2005
Poor thing. :( I hope he keeps feeling better! No emergency pet clinics? :eek: That's ridiculous! Wish I knew something about feline ailments, but I don't. . . (Which makes this a particularly helpful post, doesn't it? I love cats, so I just felt like I had to express my sympathy.)

Cirith Ungol

Ministry of Fluffy Bunnies
Old Timer
Dec 22, 2004
Thanks anyway!! I chose a later bus that's why I'm still at home, but now I HAVE to leave. Well, anybody who reads this please send a positive thaught out to the cat of the guy you don't know (me) so that hopefully he's still alive, if not perky when I come back!


Old Timer
May 1, 2004
A yellowish tinge to the skin, or mucous membranes, is an indicator of jaundice, whichi is a symptom of liver failure and/or kidney failure. For some reason, toxins are building up in his tissues. Whether or not he's resumed eating, he still needs to see a vet, ASAP. Cats, especially male cats, are prone to all sorts of urinary tract problems, from infections to blockages, and of course they can also contract several viral diseases which can cause inflammation of the liver, like Feline Peritonitis. I'd take him to a vet his he was MY cat, that's for certain.



Old Timer
Mar 22, 2005
Damn Cirith, you always have to go somewhere at the worst possible times!
It sounds like it could be serious. Male cats, especially when they reach 5+ years, have problems with too high ammonia concentration. Prone to all what pittbulllady said. Your cat either A: has an infection(intermuscular)/cyst/ulcer. or B:kidney/liver infection
I hope its doing OK when you get back. Even if it looks better, GO FOR A CHECKUP.

Cirith Ungol

Ministry of Fluffy Bunnies
Old Timer
Dec 22, 2004
Ok, got back an hour ago and the cat seems waaaay better. Yes, I'm gonna try to get him to the vet tomorrow. He has hardly eaten while I was away but he has been drinking and he has gone to the loo.

I'm not sure what that yellow colouration on his lips was because he wouldn't let me inspect him properly a few days ago and I didn't wanna stress him out too much. I checked now though and he looks normal. He is now really enjoying the fresh pieces of pike I've brought with me but who knows, maybe he just eat's out of novelty, we'll see.

He is a little bit weak on his legs and he's only in 95% control of his body when he jumps down from the bed so he certainly isn't all healthy.

I'm now gonna stay at home until I know what's going on and then hopefully he can be cured from whatever he has.

Thanks for the support folks! :worship: I guess I'm gonna give the occasional newsupdate here for those who are interested...

Cirith Ungol

Ministry of Fluffy Bunnies
Old Timer
Dec 22, 2004
Cat is almost back to normal, so I see no reason to pull him to the vet since I'd be presenting him/her with a healthy looking ( & behaving) cat.

I will stay in alert mode however and at the first sign that things go wrong again I'll bring him to the vet.


Old Timer
Mar 22, 2005
Good to hear your cat is better. Vet is never cheap, so spose its good you dont have to go there either. Good luck, hope it feels 100% soon.


Old Timer
Jul 17, 2002
sounds like a blockage or UTI at the very least. Even crystals in the urine, cats are very prone to it. I would not expect this episode to be the end of it, to be honest.
Glad to hear he's better, but I'd encourage you to REALLY think about taking him in. None of those problems are correctable without veterinary care.
I can't tell you the number of cats we've seen in the clinic presenting with those same types of symptoms. Alot of the cats we see are on special diets to prevent those symptoms from reoccuring.
I know it's expensive, but if you take him in and it's too late, the only option you'll eventually have is to euthanize.
Just my .02 from working in a vet cliinc!

Cirith Ungol

Ministry of Fluffy Bunnies
Old Timer
Dec 22, 2004
Thanks for the advice! He seems 100% back to normal now, but obviously I only see the outside of him and he still hasn't learned to talk in order to describe if something is wrong.

Well, as happy as I am that everything seems fine now, I'm aware that the cause of his problem might still be there, I'm actually quite sure it is, so yes, I am thinking of going to the vet eventho there doesn't seem to be any emediate need for it. It seems though that I have the luxoury of being able to wait a week or two in order to get the money together. Then I'm gonna call them and ask for any advice, because obviously if they shouldn't have any then it's no use for me going there with him and having him examined.


Old Timer
Oct 5, 2003
Im glad that your cat seems to be alright. What I would do is call the vet's office, ask if you can take him in now, and then pay later, or make payments. I know most vets wont do this, but it's worth asking. If you wait, whatever it is may progress, and then it may be too late. An appearingly healthy animal can hide all signs of illness until it's progressed, as in nature any signs of weakness can cause them to become vulnerable to predation. Take him in as soon as you can. Just my 2 cents.


Old Timer
Oct 7, 2004
Just some words of advise....

Tuna is NOT good for a cats UT. If you must feed him fish Tilipia is much better. Fish should not be given as a regular diet. Cats UT are very sensitive. They need meat to survive. Grass is a good healthy treat as long as it isn't treated with chemicals. Our servals grab a opossum or 2 for variety. ;P
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