Carving out a living at this.


Arachnosupporter +
Aug 15, 2002
Tamara and I were discussing what we are going to do after this whole university thing pans out (a frighteningly close occurance). Until now, the plan was that she is going to teacher's college (still the plan) and I was going to open a reptile/invert type zoo. I'm having some second thoughts about that part, though, so I thought I would brainstorm about other ways I can make a living at this animal thing. I came up with:

- other education (going to schools etc.)
- breeder
- importer/dealer/pet store etc.
- animals for movies
- research
- cage/supply construction, sales etc.

Now first of all I want to make it clear that I have no illusions as to the glamour or wealth potential of any of these. In fact, all of the ones listed above have some pretty serious flaws and are anything but easy. I really do love the animal thing, though, so I am looking for other suggestions as to how I can do my thing and put a bit of bread on the table at the same time. Strictly speaking, I'm not limited in the animals I am willing to deal with, though reptiles and inverts appeal a lot more than most.



Old Timer
Aug 13, 2002
Originally posted by skinheaddave
I came up with:

- other education (going to schools etc.)
- breeder
- importer/dealer/pet store etc.
- animals for movies
- research
- cage/supply construction, sales etc.
I'd say, all of the above. They all mesh together into a nice package.
Cage/supply would be a way of making money right away. Selling to local reptile shops, run ads in local paper ect.

The education part would get your name and products in front of the public, media, ect.

Breeding would be the big money maker, in snakes and other reptiles. Although it would take the most time to get started up.
I searched the web today for a nice Redtail boa, and they sell for $150.. to $1500.00 for a baby. The one I'll most likely be buying is around $450.00..

If you get a good breeding program going, you can retail them out of your own shop. Sell scorps, T's, crickets, the skys the limit.

Your already doing research on scorps, right?

Before you know it, you'll have employee's building your enclosures, displays, and cages. Today I also was looking at some cages, and I think theres room for better designs, with space in mind. More stuff in less space, with easy access and cleaning.

The cage I'll need for the new snake will cost $150.00 or so, the lights, heater, plants ect. will be another $150.00. Then I'll need to buy bigger cages as the snakes grow, unless I get the largest one now. Then it will bump up the cost by a couple hundred, at least. IMO.. :)

BTW, If you were doing it now, I buy from you.

Check out, Basically - AAA Reptile supply - MrBigzSnakes..

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Old Timer
Jun 28, 2003
That's actually all a good idea. The wife and I have talked about calling schools in the area just to see if they want to have a little animal "show" where they can see that snakes and T's aren't something to be affraid of but something to have the right type of respect for. Plus I got the cute lil' fuzzy sugar glider to show off as an added bonus.

I say go for the other education (though I'm not sure if you're actually going to make money off of it)



Old Timer
Aug 16, 2002

I've dabbled in most of those areas with the exception of "animals for movies" which I would like to dabble in someday! Here's my thoughts:

Education: My wife and I run a side business of going to schools, day care centers, and even birthday parties giving educational programs with live animals. This has been the most lucrative avenue so far. I'm not sure if it could be made to support us as a full time gig, but it certainly helps! Since I already have the animals, the only thing it really costs me is time. One thing you have to consider is how much hands on stuff will you allow? I generally do not allow any actual handling of any animals, but I do let them touch some of them under carefully supervision. I also always carry a bottle of hand santizer with me (especially with reptiles) and require anyone who touches anything to use it immediately afterwords. You may want to consider some type of liability insurance, especially if you do allow handling.

Since I only do 1-2 programs a week, I have enough animals to rotate them out and nobody get's too stressed. If you're doing programs every day, however, you may need more animals. That might sound good, but what makes a good program animal is not always what you're most interested in. You might like Androctonus, but this is a Pandinus sort of field!

Also, it takes alot out of you. This summer, (our busiest season) there were days when after going to two different schools and giving 4 30 minute presentations at EACH, not to mention the time spent packing and unpacking the animals, that I was just wiped by the end of the day. For me, it's been a nice way to supplement my income, but I'm pretty sure I couldn't do it full time.

Breeder: Well, I assume you'll be doing this anyway :) , but it's a very tricky business to go into full time, especially if you don't plan on offering alot of imported WC stuff. I used to work for a high end reptile breeder (no WC offered at all, unless selling off breeding stock). The owner was, well, an eccentric millionaire who loved reptiles. He sunk alot of money into the business, had some of the nicest cages, habitat control sytems and general facility I've ever seen, not to mention some of the most incredable animal stock I've had the pleasure to work with in my life. Unfortunately, despite all it had going for it, the place was still a money pit and the owner eventually drastically scaled down the business and now runs it by himself out of his home. Hes still depends on his pharmacutical company for most of his income.

As a sideline, it's a nice (and fun) way to supplement you're income and hobby expense. I'm not saying it's impossible to make it work full time, but I do not know of many FULL TIME (no other job) BREEDERS (No wild caught) who are doing well. Almost all offer some WC or else they have annother income.

Dealer/Importer/pet store- Since you're in Canada, a much-less crowded marketplace that the US, you may have a legitimate shot here, since there seems to be a lack of Canadian dealers, especially of invertebrates. However, my experience in this area has left a bad taste in my mouth. You definately will suffer from overexposure to the lowest common denminator in our society. Most of your customers are not likley to be the sort of dedicated hobbyist you meet here at Arachnopets, it's gonna be morons who see animals as dispoable playthings. You will see people buying snakes but refuse to by any appropriate caging. People will return their inquanas when they get too big. They'll return again and again to replace the animals that died because they failed to take care of in the first place. I use to dream of running a pet store, but now I think I'd rather give myself a root canal. An internet-based mail order business might be alot better.

Research- I participate in research projects with turtles at the nature center where I work. The only way I can think of to make any money at it is iderectly, i.e. get a job at a museum or zoo that allows you to do research while at work (one of the few perks of this type of job). Other than that, the only thing I can think of is to go into the pesticide business!

Cage/supply etc - If you really love carpentry or some other aspect of this field, you may be able to combine it with your love of animals. This past year got interested in casting hide boxes for reptiles from concrete, shaped like rocks, skulls, stumps etc. I still think this is a good idea, and they sell fairly well, but the time spent pouring the concrete was just too much when combined with my regular job. I've put this one on the back burner for now. Annother problem I had is that you have to compete with mass-manufactured supplies from overseas. There IS however, a market for attractive, custom built cages for large reptiles, since mass marketing isn't practical. If you've got the cabinet-making skills, and print out a good color brochure, this could be a lucrative business.

All in all, personally I like your original idea, the zoo, the best. Picking your location will be key, you obviously don't want to be too close to a big zoo. My wife and I sometimes talk about opening a nature resort in a wild area that would have a small zoo and a guest lodge or bed-and-breakfast type thing included. We would lead people on nature hikes, birdwatching trips etc. Not feasable for us now, but fun to daydream about.



Old Timer
Jul 19, 2002
I gotta ask, if you make enclosures, will there be a discount for Arachnopets people? ;P

I'm going to need a big one down the road.

I can't really offer much advice, though. I'm not the best at giving advice when it comes to anything at all.


Arachnosupporter +
Aug 15, 2002
Well Nick, when you get around to building one, I can give you tips. The shipping costs on the large enclosures make them prohibitive unless you are local -- the reason there is still a market for them.

I had basically done the same calculation you have layed out, Wade, and the possibility of getting an MNR park job to start off ends up creeping right into the picture. I did like the one idea you presented to me this summer and may do something similar myself while I am still in school.

What I am really looking for is ideas beyond the ones presented here. I'm not really in the feasability analysis stages so much as the brainstorming phases.



Old Timer
Jun 28, 2003
Make people pay you for tours of your house. You prolly got 10 times the animals that we have and people have already told us that we should turn ourselves into a "home zoo" :rolleyes:


Ps. Sell popcorn and hamburgers in your kitchen on the side for additonal income:p


Old Timer
Feb 11, 2003
Zoo Keeper. I know there is a school in SoCal, but you probably don't want to move so I would look into something si ilar in your area. You could get some more education while at the school, get some work at a local zoo while attending, and you are still involved with the animals. I'm not sure if that type of school offers specalization in reptiles and inverts, but it is certainly worth a look.

Or use your vast knowledge of inverts to secure a position as an externinator. Travel lots of places, work outside with your hands, enjoy your inverts all day long at work and then more once you get home, plus sometimes people give tips.



Old Timer
Sep 27, 2002
Dave, you may want to rethink the statement about why cages don't sell well with shipping.. Perhaps some kind of pre-fab, but secure cage design might take off. Especially if you made it modular, and easily customizable. I've been thinking about doing something like that myself lately, if only for my own ease of use. I can send you some plans as to what I've been cooking up, and maybe you'll think of something better, or feel free to steal my idea :)



Arachnosupporter +
Aug 15, 2002

Yeah, send them along for sure. You know my email addy. I am thinking in terms of the enclosures for large boids, monitors etc. You know, the ones that are just small enough not to warrent an actual room to themselves. :) Shipping likely would be prohibitive and sales would be few and far between. It makes sense locally but not really for long distance. Tamara had suggested that I get into the systems end. I have a big filter system on my monitor lizard's water dish and there are a few other inovations around here that may be marketable to the right people.



Old Timer
Aug 16, 2002

I don't know if you're familliar with Ikea furniture stores or not, but they sell inexpensive modern ferniture. Their secret is that everything comes packed in a flat box that the customer assembles, and thereby keeping a low overhead. If you could design cages using a simmilar design, you might be onto something.



Arachnosupporter +
Aug 15, 2002

One of the more annoying occurances in my life was shopping at Ikea with Tamara and my mother. I mean, I love them both ... but it was like pulling teeth and then trying to shove them back into the bleeding sockets! Which is to say that yes, I am familar with the Ikea concept. Maybe I should play around with the idea .... hmmmm.



Old Timer
Aug 16, 2002
It can be grueling. You need a flame thrower to get my wife out of the fabric section. If only that little resturant the had sold beer.

What you have to do is got to the end where they have the big piles of rugs. Climb up and take a nap...they'll wake you when they get there!



Arachnosupporter +
Aug 15, 2002

I don't know if ours is just different, but it ends in a very inhospitable climate. All the furniture, pillows, rugs and other assorted cushy items are near the front. No such naps for me, you see.
