Care guide 2. (R.microptera, T.eques and B.magan).

A cave cricket

Mar 17, 2022
Hey all it's Tuesday you know what that means...
Scratch that it's Friday Iou 2 care guides so here's number two. (p.s. had to reveal what the care guide was because Debby wouldn't let me keep it a mystery).

The only problem with this is this only works for southern U.S. sorry. 😔 But for my people who live in the southern U.S.
How to catch: look for chew marks on plants and look for grasshopper poop, once you spot the grasshopper simply pick it up with your fingers, make sure to grab them on the thorax behind the head, put them into a container then set aside.

Setting up an enclosure: first add three parts eco Earth, One Part play sand, mix. Make sure it's at least an inch deep. Then add sticks and branches. The more intricate the better. Add a small food bowl, then add some deer lichen to the sticks. Add to moss in the corner and that's the enclosure. Note: the substrate in the picture shouldn't be that damp it just got rained on, lol.

Feeding: remember where you got the grasshopper? Go to that spot and grab the leaves it was eating add them to the food bowl.

Humidity: light mist every other day.

Breeding and sexing: females have an ovipositor. Put two females in the enclosure with one male. Wait. Once you see a mated pair, take out the other female and release her. Once the mail detaches the female will lay 2 to 15 eggs. They lay their eggs in the soil. And just wait for them to emerge, take all the babies that immediately the mother will cannibalize. It's best to put each nymph in a separate container with food.
That was the care guide. Bye.

