care for eggs?


Old Timer
Jan 6, 2006
my pedes just laid some eggs, whats the care i have to take before they hatch? read another thread that the mother will eat up the hatchlings, is there a need to separate them once it hatch? lastly what do i feed this guys with?
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Old Timer
Jan 5, 2005
limz_777 said:
my pedes just laid some eggs, whats the care i have to take before they hatch? read another thread that the mother will eat up the hatchlings, is there a need to separate them once it hatch? lastly what do i feed this guys with?
the mother actually has pretty good maternal care instincts. it is likely it is sort of, "outside influences" that make them eat hatchlings... such as undue stress or super dry conditions.

my suggestion would be try to keep it in a very dark and quite place, as close to a burrow underground as you can make it.

restrict ventilation. that is going to be key, i think. those eggs dry out VEEERRRY easily, and she will eat them when that starts to happen.

is that a yellowleg mutilans?
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Old Timer
Jan 6, 2006
cacoseraph said:
the mother actually has pretty good maternal care instincts. it is likely it is sort of, "outside influences" that make them eat hatchlings... such as undue stress or super dry conditions.

my suggestion would be try to keep it in a very dark and quite place, as close to a burrow underground as you can make it.

restrict ventilation. that is going to be key, i think. those eggs dry out VEEERRRY easily, and she will eat them when that starts to happen.

is that a yellowleg mutilans?
so must i do regular misting, burrow underground?what do you mean? should i add more subsrate? yes its a mutilans.if it do hatch ,what food to feed them?
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Old Timer
Jan 5, 2005
limz_777 said:
so must i do regular misting, burrow underground?what do you mean? should i add more subsrate? yes its a mutilans.if it do hatch ,what food to feed them?

sorry, let me try to clarify.

it is my belief that virtually all centipedes make a burrow of some sort, to lay their eggs and care for their young in the wild.

inside the burrow the conditions are: higher humidity, no light, and very very low ventilation.

i think to have the best chance for the mom to NOT eat the eggs, you have to "trick" her into thinking she is in a nice safe burrow. i would try to VERY carefully prepare her cage like this:

1) reduce ventilation. cover most of the "open" part of the cage that lets air in and out with plastic wrap, or tape if the centipede can't get to it and get stuck

2) heavily wet the substrate in the corner as far from the centipede as you can get, you only want to add more water in maybe 3-4 weeks

3) cover whole cage with a blanket or something to block ALL the light

4) VERY carefully move the cage into a space where it will not be disturbed (or disturbed as little as possible) for the next 2-4 MONTHS

I would NOT as substrate at this point. i think it would greatly disturb your centipede.

mutilans should be some of the easiest centipedes to care for as babies. feed them large pre-killed prey items and they should group feed from them. these are generally accepted as "communal".