cant help myself apparently


Jan 16, 2010
Ok everyone i cant help myself i am addicted to T's ever sense i have gotten my first i cant help my spend a few hours every day reading about them studying them the works

so you know what i am going to say right? yup you got it. i need more!

i have a few questions, i have pretty much picked out what ones i am intrested in getting next i just have a few questions, as always :p

first question
Nhandu coloratovillosus.
as i understand temp around 80 and humidity around 80 as well, fast growers, sometimes a little agressive.
I plan to get slings but for the future is a 5 gal appropriate for a full grown Nhandu coloratovillosus? i read that on a few different site. but with a mature size of 7 inches i was thinking perhaps a 10 would be better any suggestions?

seccond question
Avicularia versicolor, i am still trying to figues this one out, i have looked into the hobby cubes and belive i will start of with that but will a 2.5 gal on its side be suffecient for a full grown one?

third question
Chromatopelma cyaneopubescens
by far one of the ones i REALLLY have my eye on, my only question is, i have searched them on the boards and have found they are simi aboreal and my question is, as slings and sub adults do they need a larger space or would a 2.5 or 5 gal work? ( and that is in regards the the sub adults not sling, sling will be kept in vial or kritter keeper until ready lol)

i know its kinda a long post but i just want to work out all the details before i go out and start setting up there tanks lol. and any suggestions, are these all good T's? i know that they are great T's but i feel like all the studying on them i should be able to take great care of them, i just want oppinions on if they are really a handfull for someone with not a ton of experence.

thanks so much


Old Timer
Mar 25, 2009
More than enough space if thats what ur worried about?.... for all the T's u have ... all their enclosure have enough space....
1 5 g is sufficient
2 2.5 is sufficient
3 2.5 is sufficient...


Jan 16, 2010
More than enough space if thats what ur worried about?.... for all the T's u have ... all their enclosure have enough space....
1 5 g is sufficient
2 2.5 is sufficient
3 2.5 is sufficient...
that is my first concern space, i was just making sure that they are going to be in proper sized enclosures. also do any of them need anything special that online care sheets may not have convered? i have done some searches on them but havent found anything, so just wanted to check lol