I cant get crickets around here until the end of the month, and my Rosie doesnt seem to want to eat super worms. They just burrow and she doesnt find them or loses interest. Now what do I do... :/
I take a meal worm and chop the section off where the legs and head are so they cant burrow.
The t may not take it quick enough before they burrow as some t's wont hardly
eat some feeders till dark.
You can get feeder colonies off the internet.
I use a clay water dsh without water in it...I make sure its deep enough to not let the super worms out to burrow...and also with a big enough space for My t to go in....Then I simple place the worms in the bowl and it usally doesnt take my rosie long to respond.....Only advise I can offer..
If you had to wait till the end of the month I don't see that being a problem. Especially with a rose hair. Unless it recently molted and you need to fatten it back up it should be alright.
I also do the same as arachnophiliac when I give my rosie mealworms.
She goes in her dish and the mealworms try to burrow so they wiggle and then she pounces on them. If she just molted she might not want them, but at least you can retrieve the worm easily.
I buy the medium size mealworms, they look like the superworms but they are smaller. I read that the superworms can actually bite, so I don't give those to my Ts, only to my slings and that's because they are frozen and cut up in small pieces
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