Canetoad Ugent help needed


Old Timer
Dec 19, 2004
Canetoad Ugent help needed PLEASE!!!

I have had my toad for about 18 months now hes been slow all this winter But recently he is looking extreamly thin on the sides I know this a Death ratle for canes and when they start to get thin or eat sparsly they almost always die,

Please if you can offer anything at all that may help id really apreciate you posting I really dont wana loose this guy :( Is there anything can be done to encorage him to eat properly??
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Old Timer
Nov 18, 2004
I'll save you...

Raise the humidity and the temp a bit. Make sure he's not in a gross cage remember, amphibians tox out much easier than any other vertebrate you'll ever own. I'd also offer him foods high in fat, nothing that has a hard exo like superworms or roaches, best bet is give him as many Pinks fresh from their mothers tits, they'll be full of milk and wriggleing strong. And do not be afraid to foce feed it. if it gets to look like just a skeleton its to late. take a closed ben gently open his mouth and pop in a brained pink, gently push it past the glottis and watch to make sure it doesn't regurge. make this as quick and stressless as can be though and don't do it more than once a week. Force feeding can kill if you take too long or do it too often. Hope this helps.


Old Timer
Dec 19, 2004
Ok Can you give me some very clear details on this i have never force fed him before But i seriously think this maybe one of the only ways he can be saved

Thankyou for posting , I did manage to get him to eat one large worm today but thats it so far :(

Hes in a clean Vivarium im running the temp arround 28C on the hot side humidty is arround 60to 70 and iv been providing him with a fresh clean bowl of water each day ,does this sound correct the info iv been getting for care is very sketchy
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