Can you help me ID this spider. Even the family would be helpful.

Reluctant Widow Mother

Aug 24, 2021
Before I got all the pics I wanted, it disappeared into some teensy slats in my oven I never really noticed were there until—bloop!—gone. I saw its legs poking out and tried to herd it out into a catch cup with a paintbrush, but the spider wasn't having it. I'll check again in a minute.

Description: My mother found it wandering around in her house. Legs included, it's not even the diameter of a dime. The front two pairs of legs curve forward, a bit like a crab (and some orbweavers). The abdomen is compressed dorsally / ventrally. It will stand up in a defense posture.

ON EDIT: Google Lens says genus Xysticus might be right. A ground crab spider...sounds about right.

P1190438 - Spider.jpg
2022-11-23 17.29.17 - Best Shot in This Position.jpg
2022-11-23 16.43.06 - Best from this position.jpg
2022-11-23 17.30.07 - Side View.jpg
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