I was wondering would it harm a Tarantula if you fed them silk worms from the outside like the ones on trees and bushes. I am wanting to feed them to my smaller Ts .
I personally have never feed my Tarantulas anything wild caught.
The idea seems ok but I have heard a lot of horror stories about T's dying because of pesticides, parasites and other things so I would just as soon spend the 0.65 cents for a dozen crix rather than take the risk.
The only WC thing we have ever fed our T's is brown anoles. They are an introduced species which threaten the green anoles which are native to Florida. I am not sure about the silkworms....but you are better off safe than sorry.
It's a judgement call, you could try it and everything would probably be just fine. But on the other hand, its safer for the T's to avoid insects from the outside.
If it were me, I would stick to what I know are safe feeder insects.
DO NOT DO IT. yes maybe a couple wont harm your T but i know somebody who fed his 2 T's outside food and within maybe a month the T was very sick and would twitch sometimes. A short while later the T died. i highly suggest u do not feed your T insects wild caught.
Yeah as much as I would like to feed mine some of the big fat bugs by my lights at night. I resist the urge. Alot of farms around here and I am sure there are pesticide residues all over the place. We have crop dusters flying around 6 or 7 days a week.
The only WC thing I've fed to my only T is a big black cricket that wouldn't quit making noise in my basement, so I went and found it, and fed it to the T as punishment.
I'd have to agree with most everyone, WC prey might be alright for a lizard EVERY now and then. Even then it must be from a safe area. But with a T I would never take the chance, cause they are bugs also, pesticides are just too great of a risk. The temptation is great for me also, because the only feeders I can get are mealworms, crix, and pinkies. Silk worms and superworms and stuff like that I have to order online.
also remmeber that west nile jusnk where they are spraying all over with pestacides also bugs will eat rotting bird corpses thus giving them the disease so don't do it
The argument that lizards are somehow O.K., but insects from the same area are not is illogical if you remember that these lizards (assuming anoles, skinks, etc.) are one step up the foodchain and devour hundreds of the aforementioned putatively toxic insects per year,and therefore, should contain an even greater concentration of pesticides than the prey insects themselves. If you live in an area where pesticides are heavily used, don't feed them anything wild caught. As for parasites, do you REALLY think that store bought crickets are parasite-free? If so, then where do all those phorid flies come from?
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