Can someone send me a blaberus giganteus female?


Old Timer
Jun 4, 2006
I was wondering if someone could please, please send me 1 female blaberus giganteus for free. If you are willing please make sure it's not pregnant, I dont want to breed them I just wanted one as a pet. also if it could be a large nymph, not an adult, but if there are no nymphs an adult is fine.

Sorry to ask but after my mix-up (many of you know about already) I cant rely on ordering one, and have it being the wrong species again, plus nobody sends just one roach, I already asked a million times, and like I said I didnt want any surprises if I took a chance and ordered one, I dont want them breeding. I have the dwarf cave roaches, but they are all female, so they should get along.

Once again if you are willing to spare one Thank You so much, I Really appreciate it!