Can I breed a male red phase rose hair and a rosehiar female just regular. Cuz I have a red phase male and a regular female. Will they come ot ok ?? What do you guys think ??
as far as i know, seeing as how they are just color morphs of the same, and both have been known to come out of the same eggsack, yeah, i'd say you could..... but i've never bred any before, and i'd kinda think that if you wanted a better chance at getting more red phases, then you should acquire another redphase female and breed em both.....
Sure go ahead have fun with it. If you get any Red Phase rosehaired slings I want 1 and make sure its a nice one because we have 2 psycho Rosehaires already lol
You can do it with out any trouble. Its known that all the color phases will come out of the same sack. The only reason to breed a red phase with another red phase is to increase the percentage of offspring that will be red phase in the resulting sac, if you actually get one.
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