Can corn snakes recognize individuals?


Old Timer
Feb 25, 2005
By smell, can they recognize different people? That is, is it normal for them to be calm with a certain person who they are handled by a lot, and be more nervous in the hands of a stranger? Also, how dependent are they on sight?
And just how "smart" are they? When Meowzer (my cat) is by the cage, the snake always hides, and when i put my hand down, it is somewhat calm. Then when i was taking Crotalus (my corn) out to hold, i let Meowzer smell her and Crotalus took a snap at her face. The only time Crotalus has bitten or tried to bite was that time and the time she smelled mouse on me and struck. Its like Crotalus just knew that given the chance, Meowzer would attempt to kill her.

Mushroom Spore

Old Timer
Oct 14, 2005
Well, every individual has a slightly different scent, and snakes have a VERY powerful sense of smell, so they can definitely tell us apart. My ball Rorschach has only been around other people a few times, but he was never too keen on them. He's a mama's boy. :)

Given that I know ball pythons at least have rather poor eyesight, it wouldn't surprise me if corns do also. And I wouldn't call the cat thing "smart", but rather instinct. They don't "just know", they simply register OH MY GOD UNFAMILIAR ANIMAL SMELLING ME! GET IT GET IT! {D


Nov 17, 2005
maybe if it cant tell the difference between individuals, it can probably tell the difference between a cat and a person. Not saying it can or cant tell the difference between 2 people, but just throwing it out there :}