Hi guys, I'm new to the forum so a big 'Whazzup!' to everyone. I have a quick question for all of you extremely talented photographers. I have a Canon Powershot A590 that I've had for a year or so and just recently I got back into the tarantula hobby. I have four spiderlings that I've been working on for a few months now (C. cyaneopubescens, A. versicolor, A. avicularia and P. irminia) and I've been trying to take pictures recently. Sadly, they're all coming out ridiculously blurred. I get an occasional gem, but almost all of them are very poor. I'm guessing my problem is one of three things: camera is sub-par for the job, I don't know the settings well enough, or I'm simply setting up the lighting incorrectly. The following is a pretty self-explanatory example of what the majority of my photos look like:
Any advice for a fledgling photographer? Scrap the camera, scrap the lighting, or scrap my meager skills?

Any advice for a fledgling photographer? Scrap the camera, scrap the lighting, or scrap my meager skills?