Camel spider question


Old Timer
Apr 18, 2008
WHat are they I only know that they are not spiders or scorps? What can you tell me

Matt K

Old Timer
Mar 27, 2007
WHat are they I only know that they are not spiders or scorps? What can you tell me
I have to agree with Darkeye though I would not be as harsh (right now). Your original post absolutely did not ask for "tips" as quoted above. It can be frustrating, very frustrating, for those of us who want to learn about and/or discuss arachnids to have other posters pop in like this forum is a live-chat or interactive encylopedia and we are all here to tell you whatever.

Now I understand that this is where you go and a good place to go for answers, particularly if you ask one specific question at a time. But it does seem a little more than unreasonable to post something like "Hey I just heard about this thing, and I want a complete overview of it. Ready, Go!", when there is a SEARCH function built in to be helpful for a reason, and otherwise there are SEARCH ENGINES like Google, that are very helpful too. People just dont want to think anymore. Or use correct grammar and punctuation for that matter.

So on topic:

Here is one sort of helpful link:

Here is another:

There is alot of misleading info out there, because since we started sending soldiers to Iraq distorted photos have been sent back that make a small bug look giant, which is just not the case. The "giant" ones are about as long as a cigarette with a leg span that will spread out just over a cigarette pack. There are smaller varieties all the way down to the size of a dime. They also come in several different colors. They are neat bugs but the ones I found in Texas I kept and was unable to have them reproduce for me, so I cant say I really know anything about thier captive husbandry personally.

Though using the SEARCH function on this board you may find someone who does know that can answer your questions.



Old Timer
Jul 4, 2005
The reason it's confusing is because most of us aren't told about them in biology all the way through high school. It's easier to kind of look at it this way, you have "spiders" with diff species, there are "vinegarones" with diff species, there are "scorpions" with diff species, etc. and then there are solifugids with different species. Solifugids aren't often mentioned in your biology classes, not while I was in school, don't know why.


Chief Cook n Bottlewasher
Old Timer
Sep 29, 2004
Thank you see thats how you should react
Whoah.. there Hoss.

You are young and this behavior is forgivable.

What is being attempted here is to show/teach/ (less desireable) train you into being a person who can learn for themselves.
You will absolutely need that skill later in life, best to get it now.

Too many students today are as baby birds, mouths open wide chirping incessantly for food. It's not that the food is far away and you cannot fly to get it. It's right there in front of you yet you still chirp for it to be placed in your gaping, chirping pie holes.

We are supposed to spoon feed you this knowledge in a time when knowledge is oozing from almost any device that can be wired up. You are here so I can safely assume you have that access.

here's my advice:

Show a little innitiative of your own, meet someone part way on your quest for this information.
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Old Timer
Aug 14, 2008
I, for one, am glad to see young people on AB trying to learn about their world beyond video games and text messages(hence the bad grammar). My fourteen year old son can drive me crazy with the nonstop questions but in the end, I am just glad he has some interests that are similar to mine. If someone posts a question you don't want to address then DON'T. Personal attacks are not necessary, particularly on a child.


Nov 12, 2007
needless child-like responses

I really can't believe how some people are on here! I mean someone asks a question to get a discussion started and they get a bunch of "google it" responses. I mean what's worse, someone asking a "stupid" question or the fact that there are tons of tools like Darkeye on here who can't just play nice and mind their own business? This place is intended to have fun, gain knowledge and expose a great hobby! You must have a lot of time on your hands if you're searching for questions like this and posting ignorant responses that say "google it". If people want to ask questions, who's business is it but theirs? If you want to give a response great, but all you show by ridiculing people for asking questions is you have absolutely no life outside of Arachnoboards.

Carry on DavidD, who cares what anyone else thinks.



Arachnoboards Team
Staff member
Jan 11, 2004
There is absolutely nothing wrong with telling someone to google or search for information. It is "how" it is suggested that may be questionable. I usually tend to give a link or 2 to try to help start them off.

Either way, no more complaining as now you are all adding to the "off topic" factor and will end up having myself, or another mod, clean up this thread by wiping everything that does not have to do with the topic at hand. Additional comments from the "peanut gallery" is unnecessary as well.

In other words, back on topic as of now!



Old Timer
Apr 20, 2006
Has anyone had success keeping these or any solifugid in captivity? I've read they're extremely difficult to keep alive despite seemingly simple needs.


Arachno WIDOW
Old Timer
Jan 25, 2007
Has anyone had success keeping these or any solifugid in captivity? I've read they're extremely difficult to keep alive despite seemingly simple needs.
yes. not too hard, although you do need a little luck sometimes. i have a little one who i've had all winter now, and it's almost dormant, only eaten 1 or 2 small crix in the past 5 months! :eek: doin just fine ;)

breeding on the other hand, now i have had some probs with that. (female ate the eggs)


Old Timer
Jul 19, 2008
if ur trying to make it your pet well be my guest but FYI they die easily they are weak fragile and hard to breed.....:D