Call for European tarantulas related info, Ischnocolus spp


Old Timer
Jun 20, 2004
Hello All!

Preface. While I'm started contribute to the local zoo we took part into the EAZA's Terrestrial Invert's Advisory Group and right now in development of the conservation plan for European tarantulas under guiadance of Warren Spencer from Bristol Zoo (some of you may knew him).

The big problem we faced is absence of any modern information on the distribution, numbers in the wild etc.
So far, we develope an account for these species (anyone with serious interest can ask me for it via mail) and will need the specimens for collection in Bristol Zoo or any other TITAG-EAZA (no matter wc or cb) memberr's zoo to establish the breeding group.
Please, anyone who knows on the availability of the following 4 species known for Southern Europe (Italy (Sicily), Portugal and Spain) on hands or collecting site in the wild and also has personal experience with any of these species:

Ischnocolus holosericeus
Ischnocolus andalusiacus
Ischnocolus valentinus
Ischnocolus triangulifer

contact me (bbigmojo(at) or curator of THe EAZA Terrestrial Invert's Advisory Group Warren Spencer (warren.spencer1 (at)

It may be also will be very useful if someone here place the link or double this thread in any Spanish boards dealing with invertebrates.
Thanks in further!

Here is also the list of most recent papers regarding the question we come so far and if someone has or can suggest any else after 1990 year that will be very usefull too!
1. Gallon R. (1994) Habitat and behavioral details on the Iberian Theraphosid from the genus Ischnocolus. Journal of theBTS Study Group (2): 1-14
2. Smith Andrew (1990) Baboon spiders. Tarantulas of Africa and the Middle East. Fitzgerald Publishing, London.
3. by Fabian Vol (?), in French, A propos d'Ischnocolus, une mygale europeenne. (Contains original description of 3 “species” from Spain).


Cult Leader
Old Timer
May 20, 2008
Hello Mikhail!

Wonder if there's anything that might be useful in:

Schmidt, G. 2003. Die Vogelspinnen: Eine weltweite Übersicht. Neue Brehm-Bücherei, Hohenwarsleben, 383 pp.

Ischnocolus holosericeus should be included in the book, misspelled as I. holosericus.


Old Timer
Jun 20, 2004
Hi Zoltán!

Thanks for your note. I do not have this book in references.
IF someone has the book, can you scan the pages related to Ischnocolus species and send me via e-mail please?