California Exotic Pet Ownership Petition


Old Timer
Dec 15, 2003

For those of you who have access to The Watering Hole and have read my thread, I have stated my displeasure in finding out that California bans the ownership of exotic pets. I am not in favor of owning endangered or potentially invasive species but I see no reason why Californians shouldn't be allowed to own sugar gliders, short tailed opossums, or hedgehogs.

For a list of banned pets in California, see here:

I feel most of these animals should be legal to own in CA but since I plan on living there at some point, I figured I'd start with the three pets that are closest to my heart.

Please sign the petition or share it, preferably both.

(My Watering Hole Thread:

If not for me, sign it for Lilah!
Lilah in Pocket.jpg


Old Timer
Oct 10, 2010
I live in Wisco, and currently have no plans to live anywhere near Cali, however I will sign this petition anyway. I support your point on Sugar Gliders and other little cuties. As long as the animals are not a threat or facing any threat, there shouldn't be any reason to ban them. I suppose this is just my opinion.

Out of curiosity, what is that adorable little furry you have convincing us? She's(?) a cute little peach! Is she one of the afore mentioned short tails?<3 ;D


Old Timer
Dec 15, 2003
Thanks for the support! Glad you understand my plight, she is indeed a Short Tailed Opossum. Thank you for your kind words :)

The Snark

Dumpster Fire of the Gods
Old Timer
Aug 8, 2005
I'm all for the keeping of exotic pets BUT!!! Included in that should be the regulation that certain breeds must be spayed/neutered mandatorily . Specifically politicians and used car lot salespersons.

On a more serious note, does this take into account the average moron pet owner who will, accidentally or deliberately, violate all rules of rational thinking and common sense, as inbreeding, caring for the animals properly and not just forcing them into unsuitable environments, using the animals in ways that may be abusive (if the owner only knew scenarios) and otherwise establishing rigid safeguards to keep indigenous animal populations entirely separated from the exotics???


Old Timer
Dec 15, 2003

As for a response to your second paragraph. I would assume animal abuse laws would apply to all newly legalized pets and if anyone were to be caught mistreating their pets or doing anything horrendous that they would be persecuted if caught. Unfortunately, people do unthinkable and terrible things to animals regardless of them being legal for ownership or not. There will always be bad pet owners but I do not believe it is a strong enough reason to ban the ownership of the posted animals considering they are legal in most states already. Dogs and cats are legal to own in all fifty states (as far as I am aware) and for as many pet owners who love them, treat them like family members and would die for them, there will always be those who treat them poorly or inhumanly. We can only hope those who do such terrible things will be caught and persecuted justly.

(Perhaps laws requiring a permit to breed and sell such animals should accommodate their legalization to help lower the chances of inbreeding / abuse)

As far as keeping indigenous and exotics separate, I believe this falls under the category of responsible ownership. If California wants to make owning these animals require a background check or filing for a permit, I am willing to comply with both of those stipulations. It is the complete ban of ownership that bothers me, what about those who already own such animals and wish to move to California? Sugar gliders can live over 10 - 15 years, should someone be forced to give them up after 7+ years if they want to live in California?



Old Timer
Dec 15, 2003
Since it's a lost cause and California has approximately 38,041,430 people and I can't get more then 3 signatures, I give up.