C. marshalli behavior


Sep 21, 2023
Hey everyone, so I made a post about a week ago(?) about how my C. marshalli's burrow caved in and my worry for him. Good news, he's alive and well, he made a new burrow entrance a few inches away from his previous one that leads to the same subterranean chamber. He ate then retreated again a few days ago, but today I was surprised to see him on the surface of his enclosure, and more specifically, halfway out of his burrow. He never really is ever on the surface of his enclosure, even when waiting for food (he'll just have his legs towards the front of his burrow, never outside. Today I've seen him move a lot back and forth, but whether he's inside or outside the burrow, he is always either close to the surface or close to the burrow entrance. My first thought was that he was hungry, but his abdomen was in nice shape. He isn't really the greatest eater as I've aforementioned, so I'm just kinda confused what he could be up to? He's around 3 inches DLS.

I'm going to attempt to feed him and see his reaction, but this post is not any serious cry of help, but more of sharing this silly experience and seeing if people have a possible explanation.

So an update, I tried to feed him a superworm but placing one at the mouth of his burrow and instead of violently attacking it he just calmly walked away and out of his burrow. He’s trying so hard to be the bigger person about this. 😔

A positive though, I saw my marshalli’s full body for the first time in months.
I then filled his water dish, (what I was going to do today anyway) and I’ll see if he drinks.

A yet third update, he in fact did not drink, and went back to doing this weird "half outside half inside" the burrow thing. I'm stumped at this point :rofl:


Sep 21, 2023
He's messing with you bro. Getting revenge for the cave in. Don't let him get in your head 😆
The funniest part was the cave in wasn't even my fault, it was a stray superworm during feeding.

I should note I casualy found two superworms just alive and living with him?? I never knew he had roommates..


Old Timer
Oct 3, 2011
Cannot drink from an empty water dish as pictured above.


Old Timer
Oct 13, 2011
The funniest part was the cave in wasn't even my fault, it was a stray superworm during feeding.

I should note I casualy found two superworms just alive and living with him?? I never knew he had roommates..
Pesky things I had that issue when my roach colony was collapsed . So I had to buy supers. I wasn’t a fan of immobilizing-them.


Sep 21, 2023
plenty plump
Exactly why I was thinking premolt maybe? He is male AND ceratogyrus so I expect him to grow fast. He might mature out this molt or the next though, so I'm excited to have him loaned for breeding so we can have more little horned fellows.

When he is usually in premolt though its the exact opposite behavior, so he's just refusing food for whatever reason. He was trying to climb the wall and I did not see any visible emboli so it's not like he's already matured.