Burrower "privacy webbing"


Old Timer
Sep 13, 2002
I was just thinking about trying something, and thought I'd ask if anybody else has already tried it.
I've noticed that a lot of times my burrowing spiders construct their burrows so that some or most of their burrows face the clear sides of their enclosures, so that initially, at least, I can look in and see what they are up to. But then they always web up the sides so that I can't see much.
What I'm wondering is, do they do that to block out as much light as possible, or do they do it just because they always line their burrows with silk? If the former is the case, I was thinking that maybe if I cover the side of the enclosure where the burrow is with a dark cloth or something, maybe they wouldn't feel the need to web it up, and I could still peep in from time to time and have a clear view. On the other hand, it may be that they would web it up anyway just as standard procedure.
Has anyone tried this? Think it would work?
