It's a very cool flower. I had one of these blooming last summer. The flowers will pop out pair-wise from the bottom to the top of the sides and in a very short time it will all be over... so hurry up and enjoy it while you can.
Your Tillandsia will bloom for about 3 weeks. When it stops blooming the spath or flower spike(the pink part) will eventually die, as well as the main plant. Dont worry at this point. What should be happening while this is going on is that new plants or "pups" will start growing at the base. These will take over when your "mother" plant dies. The blue flowers are also nicely scented, providing you dont get hairs kicked in your face from your T. blondi while attempting to smell it!! I love these Tillandsias and they are one of the easiest of the genus to grow in the terrarium. My T. blondi does not have it this nice, but she seems content in her cage in my closet with my other Ts over my sport coats.
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