Brightroom Containers

Stu Macher

Active Member
Oct 2, 2023
I went to Target for something else, and then walked down the sterilite aisle and found some nice containers. Brightroom, I believe is Target's flagship brand of sterilites.

Not perfect clarity, but definitely clearer than your standard sterilite. This is a win for people with pet holes or arboreals.

The container I bought is their ornament container, but they have another container with no difference with a Grey lid if that suits you better.

It's also 13.75" tall. So even with a generous amount of sub, you're still giving your T plenty of space to climb. I could see this being a nice pad for a moisture dependent sp. Plenty of things you can do to fine tune.

For fossorials, I packed it to about 9.5" or so which gives plenty of space for a nice turret. I could've gone a bit higher but the material is a bit thinner than sterilites. Not alarmingly so, but noticeable. (comes with the clarity I guess). I don't think there would be an issue either way, but I always err on the side of caution.

The clips snapping in place are pretty good 👍 if there's a concern, a textbook or pile of comics should suffice lol

Just figured I'd share with any container obsessed individual who may be looking for another option.

Happy Friday,



Arachnosupporter +
Mar 20, 2024
We dont have target anymore. They failed in the year or so they landed here. It was an epic fail.

and i was sad. I liked their alternatives to walmart.