This thread is for People want to breed Hyllus diardi. I noticed some things that I think are worth sharing.
I got my first H. diardi on 30 october 2018. The females where adult and the male semi-adult. On hindsight they were wildcaught and already fertilized On 21 november the female layed eggs that hatched in 9 december. I think female's don't want to mate once there fertilized. It is known from other species of jumping spider. That would mean they mate once in there lifetime. I tried many times and the female always pushed the male away. Even when she started laying infertile eggs after 2 succesfull eggsack. The first female of the sack became adult in november of 2019. The females mature first then the males in my experience. I noticed that the mature males have a white line in the metatarsus of the front legs. I did not see this in semi adult males.
Getting them to mate was not as easy as my Phiddipus otiosus. The otiosus was a matter of minutes and they where mating. The last two days I tried breeding with three different females and three different males. After 2 hours of dancing and the female running away I stopped watching. I cohabit them now for until I see they lose interest or females starting to show agression. I only saw one mating happening after at least 4 hours together.
If you have a different experience I would like to know. So we can get more of these big impressive spiders in the hobby.
I got my first H. diardi on 30 october 2018. The females where adult and the male semi-adult. On hindsight they were wildcaught and already fertilized On 21 november the female layed eggs that hatched in 9 december. I think female's don't want to mate once there fertilized. It is known from other species of jumping spider. That would mean they mate once in there lifetime. I tried many times and the female always pushed the male away. Even when she started laying infertile eggs after 2 succesfull eggsack. The first female of the sack became adult in november of 2019. The females mature first then the males in my experience. I noticed that the mature males have a white line in the metatarsus of the front legs. I did not see this in semi adult males.
Getting them to mate was not as easy as my Phiddipus otiosus. The otiosus was a matter of minutes and they where mating. The last two days I tried breeding with three different females and three different males. After 2 hours of dancing and the female running away I stopped watching. I cohabit them now for until I see they lose interest or females starting to show agression. I only saw one mating happening after at least 4 hours together.
If you have a different experience I would like to know. So we can get more of these big impressive spiders in the hobby.