Hey guys, just joined this site! I was hoping I can get some input on my Bosc monitor, he is about 14 inches and I just got him, he's eating well, digging burrows, super active and healthy (vet checked) nice large tank with temps during the day around 125-130 and dropping to normal night time temp. But my issue with him is, sometimes after he is done eating and exploring he just lays out to bask and he lets me hold him for a bit, pet him and ect. But other times more often then not he gets scared and whips and hisses at me and runs away. I get that this is normal healthy behavior for a new rep. He came from these people that took great care of him but just never really gave him the time of day, he was basically just a conversation piece and they never held him even as a hatchling, he has never bit anyone but with his mood swings I wouldn't put it past him to nip (not afraid of bites just not looking forward to it) when he gets scared I back off and just sit casually by his tank not showing any interest, then go about my day and try again a few hours later to hold him, and I always hold him a few inches above his fav burrow so he can slip off when he wants to, my goal is to be able to take him out and let him hang out without fear of him going nuts and running around all crazy and whipping, I want to correct his behavior before he gets to adult size (4.5 ft) he is captive bred. Any advice on how to tame a large herp? Also he still needs a name if anyone has ideas. Thank you!!!