Blue Death Feigning Beetle Odd Behavior


Feb 14, 2021
I am a first time owner of a blue death feigning beetle. I received Bluebell one month ago and she has been fantastic. She's been active at night, enjoys being handled, loves her dried shrimp, and likes to crawl around on her stick/ bark pile. But recently her behavior has changed and I'm very worried. About two weeks ago she fell from about a height of three feet onto carpet but was completely unfazed and still acted like her normal self. But then a few days ago, I accidentally dropped her from only a height of about one foot on the carpet again (way less height than her first fall), and she hasn't been the same since. She hardly ever comes out at night or day anymore and just stays hidden away. She also now sometimes walks backwards for a couple of steps, then walks normally. Occasionally one of her legs will randomly twitch as well. She doesn't even seem interested in her favorite food (dried shrimp) anymore. However I did see her eating some apple. I'm paranoid that she got brain damaged from her little fall. But how could she also be unfazed from a much bigger fall earlier? I don't know what to do. I can't find anyone else online who's faced this same issue. Also, I make sure to keep the temperature at a constant 73 degrees, so I don't believe that temperature is the issue. Could it be a hormonal cycle thing perhaps? Any information/ insight would be greatly appreciated, thank you.


Spoon feeder
Arachnosupporter +
Oct 26, 2017
Last edited:


Feb 12, 2016
These beetles are very durable. I seriously doubt that a fall like you described onto carpet would harm them in any significant way. It's more likely that you're overanalyzing some fairly normal behavior.