Black Milk Snake Emergency Care


Old Timer
Aug 19, 2008
I Need help with my new snake i got, i live up in alaska so it makes it a little tricky shipping animals , i thought my snake was dead .. but it started breathing a few mins after i put it on my oil heater , i quickly set up a little crtitter keeper with a heat mat under it to try warming it, but now its not breathing again. i dunno what to do :( any care on this would help.. i somehow am thinking the worse which sucks.. cause now i wont be able to get another one untill summer.. stupid alaska. :( :( :( :(



Old Timer
May 2, 2008
Just in case you ever have this happen again, NEVER PUT THEM ON HEAT WHEN THEY ARRIVE COLD!!! It sends them into shock and death.
Rather than put them on heat and try to warm them rapidly you should treat it more like frostbite but rather than using room temp water you place them in a room temp area and allow them to warm slowly.


Old Timer
Aug 19, 2008
ok thanks , i tried putting in my hands and rubbing him / her alive i just dunno, i didnt know what to do .:( thnx

Mushroom Spore

Old Timer
Oct 14, 2005
ok thanks , i tried putting in my hands and rubbing him / her alive i just dunno, i didnt know what to do .:( thnx
Actually, I think rubbing a hypothermic person only makes it worse and you're not actually supposed to do it. :(


Old Timer
Aug 19, 2008
Gosh spring? Up in alaska ?? would it be as risky as summer up here though? our summers dont really get above 75 degrees , depending on how our winters was , like this year all it did was rain and stay in the 60's and we had maybe one month of partly cloudy (ohhh whyyy did i move back here). So i think the think we and the breeder gotta figure out is just the right time weather wise on their end which im gonna see if he would be willing to try when vegas is in its winter stage , and i really appreciate all the help i was in such a panic i didn't know what to do it is still currently in its tank hoping some miracle will revive it but yea in my dreams.:(

But if anyone has any other ideas , if anyone has lived in tricky crap states id appreciate any knowledge or anything!!!

Also i see alot and this is dumb i tried googling it but no luck, when people say f/t pinky mice what does that mean? the ones that cant see?

Thanks again guys!!1 i cant say thanks enough to tell u how appreciative i am of all the help. :eek:


Old Timer
May 21, 2007
Gosh spring? Up in alaska ?? would it be as risky as summer up here though? our summers dont really get above 75 degrees , depending on how our winters was , like this year all it did was rain and stay in the 60's and we had maybe one month of partly cloudy (ohhh whyyy did i move back here). So i think the think we and the breeder gotta figure out is just the right time weather wise on their end which im gonna see if he would be willing to try when vegas is in its winter stage , and i really appreciate all the help i was in such a panic i didn't know what to do it is still currently in its tank hoping some miracle will revive it but yea in my dreams.:(

But if anyone has any other ideas , if anyone has lived in tricky crap states id appreciate any knowledge or anything!!!

Also i see alot and this is dumb i tried googling it but no luck, when people say f/t pinky mice what does that mean? the ones that cant see?

the new born hairless mice that have been kill and frozen then thawed for the snake to eat them

Thanks again guys!!1 i cant say thanks enough to tell u how appreciative i am of all the help. :eek:
the new born hairless mice that have been kill and frozen then thawed for the snake to eat them

Mushroom Spore

Old Timer
Oct 14, 2005
You definitely need to do the shipping when it's as warm as possible in the states the box will be travelling through--and with one of those temporary heating pads in the box if necessary.

How long does the shipping take? If it's longer than two days (I don't know if it would have to pass through customs or anything), just give up now and look for someone in Alaska to buy from.


Old Timer
Aug 19, 2008
It was overnight :/ but they couldnt put any heat pads in there cause of how hot it is in LV right now.. im just gonna have to wait untill another year the breeder doesn't want to risk loosing another one , i dont blame him it near broke my heart, i found a pretty cool king snake breeder in my state so far the only snake breeder i have found, so im just gonna get one of them and then try another year.

Thanks again for your helps!!