Keep around 80' for production and include fish flakes, cheerios and kitten food. They enjoy fruits and dark green veggies, squashes, melons, zucchinis. They also love algae disks for plecos.
Good luck and I hope you have a very long time to wait....
It's worth it, though. These make great pets and more than pay for themselves when bred in numbers.
Hope this helps!
I dont keep mine humid at all. I put in those water crystals once a week or so. And throw in odd fruits and veggies. Mine seem to thrive! Like Rochelle said, they LOVE fish foods!! They go into a paniced feeding frensy when I feed it to them.
I started making my own roach food and I put in plenty of fish flakes for them and they eat it like no tomorrow!
I seem to recall mine started out kind of slow as well. It seems like FOREVER til the babies start coming, but when they do its insane! Ive had a plague of them for so long I had forgotten it took a while to get going.. In fact, I think Rochelle adopted some of my babies... maybe Im wrong...
Agreed! Mine did not produce for the longest time, but now it seems like there are new nymphs in there every day. I only have one male and three females, but I think I'm going to have a much bigger colony as the youngins' start growing up.
I feed mine about what I feed my other roaches; usually a mix of soaked monkey chow, dark leafy greens, a fruit item, a veggie item, and some meat put through a chopper. They wolf it down, and the nymphs have been growing well on it. As well as cave roaches do at least; talk about delayed gratification!
These guys are not really a high production roach, and they take forever to mature. I still wish I had some though, as their size is really impressive. I had a chance to buy a full colony from another breeder not to long back, but I hesitated and it sold.
I don't have the room now, but one day I'll have a few to display.
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