Blaberus giganteus care?


Nov 15, 2020
Blaberus giganteus keepers!!

Recently, a coworker moved away and the shop has a colony of Blaberus giganteus that he cared for. They’re beautiful roaches— so to those who keep/breed them, how should the colony be maintained?

Do you have to clean out the enclosure? I have not had to clean my dubia roach bin, but these big guys are new territory for me and I’d adore to see them flourish and thrive.

How do you all keep this species and how well do they breed for all of you?

Pictures of said roaches for tax, of course. I look forward to learning more about them!


Gnarled Gnome

May 10, 2019
Beautiful. I don't keep these, but I would use a couple inches of substrate and some hides. Put down some hardwood leaf cover. I don't use water dishes for any of my roaches. I offer fruit like oranges for hydration, and also spray the enclosure lightly once a day to keep it humid. They drink the droplets off the leaves and branches. Not too much to avoid fungus. You'll need to change the substrate eventually, as they do poop. I sift through the soil so I don't miss any. How often the soil needs to be changed depends on the size of the enclosure and how many you have in there. Just keep an eye on the soil. When there's a lot of frass, you'll want to do a change. Good luck!
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