Neither of us have ever been bitten by our T's, scorps or snakes. I've been bitten by a pregnant female cricket. Mackenzie has been bitten by one of our skinks (more than once) and our fire belly toads. That's about it.
I got stung by a scorpion once as a kid. Never by a spider
To tell you the truth, tarantulas scare me. I rationally understand that they're less of a threat than my kids' chihuahua, but my reptilian brain does not care. But, I like tarantulas, so I keep them.
I'm scared of water and sharks, too. But that doesn't keep me from surfing.
huum.. let me see...i was bitten by my snake(still a baby though) and my water dragon but my Ts?? nope not YET!! i just remembered my CB lol nasty girl
never....although I am regularly bitten by my rescued rat terrier my T's and I have an understanding....don't bite me and I won't bite you!!
you really got to know me to understand whole reason I got into T's is that they are one creature that might (and I mean MIGHT) be meaner than I.
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