my bday is just around the corner and i think i want an arachnid. a mexican fireleg more specifically. my girlfriend said she would get it for me. can i keep it in a 2.5 gallon tank? i have an extra one that i had a frog in. tank is really nice and i'd like to use it.
is this a good starter T? i read a lot of care sheets and the say "get a rose" but i dont want a rose or curly or red butt... kinda leanin towards the fireleg, i really fell in love with their color.
i keep a bunch of reps and fish so i can handle the care of the T just makin sure this one in particular will work out for me.
is this a good starter T? i read a lot of care sheets and the say "get a rose" but i dont want a rose or curly or red butt... kinda leanin towards the fireleg, i really fell in love with their color.
i keep a bunch of reps and fish so i can handle the care of the T just makin sure this one in particular will work out for me.