Every year or two, we get a big handsome huntsman rambling through the house, which is a cause of great celebration. I break out the DSLR and take blurry photos, and the family regularly announces where they find them. If they get too brazen, as in crawling down low enough where the dog might poke at them or get stepped on, we usually take them outside.
This year, I got her in a cup and planned to take her out when it had cooled down for the night. As a lark, I gave her a mealworm to see if she'd eat. Of course, she did, so now we've decided she's domesticated and needs to be cared for. Off to the Petsmart for supplies...
I've got her in a 'Medium' size Critter Keeper with some notebook paper at the bottom and a small hide, for the moment.
Here's my concerns:
* Food: We have mealworms from herp pets available, but is that suitable as a sole diet? We can also get small crickets that are about the same size, but I'm suspecting that anything that's being sold in packs of 12 or 25 are more than she'll need. How often to feed? Will they leave unwanted food or eat until sick?
*Climate: I'm assuming she's comfortalble with indoor heat (~25-30c, air conditioned) and humidity (well, dry, it's Arizona) levels, since this is her natural stomping ground. I figured I'd put a bottle cap in the enclosure with some water, and maybe mist.
* Airflow: The cage has a top with a lot of slats, but do they want meshy enclosures with through breezes?
* Enclosure size: There's some concern she won't have the room to stalk and hunt, but does she need a large roaming area if her needs are being taken care of?
* Enrichment: I figure the paper on the floor lets her identify a "bottom", and the hide gives her a place to escape being seen, but anything else? I was pondering a branch to let her have some climbing opportunities other than the side of the enclosure.
I know on the last two points, there's a tradeoff between "spartan tiny enclosure" and "she disappears and we can never find her".
Her legspan is about the size of a US 50 cent coin now.
This year, I got her in a cup and planned to take her out when it had cooled down for the night. As a lark, I gave her a mealworm to see if she'd eat. Of course, she did, so now we've decided she's domesticated and needs to be cared for. Off to the Petsmart for supplies...
I've got her in a 'Medium' size Critter Keeper with some notebook paper at the bottom and a small hide, for the moment.
Here's my concerns:
* Food: We have mealworms from herp pets available, but is that suitable as a sole diet? We can also get small crickets that are about the same size, but I'm suspecting that anything that's being sold in packs of 12 or 25 are more than she'll need. How often to feed? Will they leave unwanted food or eat until sick?
*Climate: I'm assuming she's comfortalble with indoor heat (~25-30c, air conditioned) and humidity (well, dry, it's Arizona) levels, since this is her natural stomping ground. I figured I'd put a bottle cap in the enclosure with some water, and maybe mist.
* Airflow: The cage has a top with a lot of slats, but do they want meshy enclosures with through breezes?
* Enclosure size: There's some concern she won't have the room to stalk and hunt, but does she need a large roaming area if her needs are being taken care of?
* Enrichment: I figure the paper on the floor lets her identify a "bottom", and the hide gives her a place to escape being seen, but anything else? I was pondering a branch to let her have some climbing opportunities other than the side of the enclosure.
I know on the last two points, there's a tradeoff between "spartan tiny enclosure" and "she disappears and we can never find her".
Her legspan is about the size of a US 50 cent coin now.