Beginning Mantis Breeding


Aug 16, 2020
Hi all, I have kept a number of different mantis species before, and now I want to try my luck at breeding them. I'm getting some hierodula venosa and some heterochaeta orientalis to see how it goes. Would love to hear any advice or experience that people on here have! (I'll be raising them all from babies, so it'll be some time before they're ready to breed)


Arachnosupporter +
Jun 4, 2011
I always feed the female and introduce the male from behind while she is eating. Offers less risk of the male being eaten while trying to mount.


Jun 26, 2019
Hi all, I have kept a number of different mantis species before, and now I want to try my luck at breeding them. I'm getting some hierodula venosa and some heterochaeta orientalis to see how it goes. Would love to hear any advice or experience that people on here have! (I'll be raising them all from babies, so it'll be some time before they're ready to breed)
Great species by the way,

Breeding is a very interesting thing to do in a sense of creating new life, but be careful. You’re gonna get a few hundred nymphs if you successfully get those H. venosa bred.

H. orientalis won’t be a hard one. Females aren’t very aggressive, but they will give a nice threat pose every so often. Keep the females well fed and give them a large prey item before introducing the male to the female. I usually feed the males before introducing them as well, I’ve heard of males comping on the females while breeding. The breeding connection could go on for over a day, and it may take them a while to connect abdomens. I’ve had a P. paradoxa male on a female for 3 days now with no connection.

Make sure to have plenty of little deli cups ready ;)


Aug 16, 2020
Great species by the way,

Breeding is a very interesting thing to do in a sense of creating new life, but be careful. You’re gonna get a few hundred nymphs if you successfully get those H. venosa bred.

H. orientalis won’t be a hard one. Females aren’t very aggressive, but they will give a nice threat pose every so often. Keep the females well fed and give them a large prey item before introducing the male to the female. I usually feed the males before introducing them as well, I’ve heard of males comping on the females while breeding. The breeding connection could go on for over a day, and it may take them a while to connect abdomens. I’ve had a P. paradoxa male on a female for 3 days now with no connection.

Make sure to have plenty of little deli cups ready ;)
Way ahead of you with those deli cups haha, I usually try to keep around 200 in my place since I sell off some of my isopod cultures faster than I can keep up with. Also my pandinus imperator is pregnant so I've got some extras on hand anyway :D
The venosa are a species very close to my heart, so I hope I can be successful in seeing their entire life cycle through and experiencing an ooth hatch from at least one


Jun 26, 2019
Way ahead of you with those deli cups haha, I usually try to keep around 200 in my place since I sell off some of my isopod cultures faster than I can keep up with. Also my pandinus imperator is pregnant so I've got some extras on hand anyway :D
The venosa are a species very close to my heart, so I hope I can be successful in seeing their entire life cycle through and experiencing an ooth hatch from at least one
Let me know if those Pandius hatch...I need a new scorp.

Good plan with those delis!