Beginner with G. rosie Q?


Old Timer
Dec 26, 2005
Finally got my first T and am really enjoying her company. Amazing to watch.

Just had a few questions to those in the know.

1. She has eaten the three crickets I have given in the last week but the last one took 24 hours before she attempted to go for it. Is this anything?

2. I have noticed that the temp in my tank is a constant 20 C. Is the heatmat too small or do I even need to raise the temp?

3. In the last day she seems to be staying in the centre of the tank and clearing an area for herself. Its almost as If she is trying to get closer to the heatmat that is under the centre of the tank. I have read as much of the forum as I can and found the G. rose thread very good but am just wondering if i have a problem cause I know the shop didnt keep her well. There was white mold on her leg that i cleaned off with damp paper towel. She is great to hold, although I have resisted as much as i can to let her settle into new home. Any suggestions about the cleared area she is making would be great. She is now defintly resting carapice and abdomen in this area for alternating lengths of time.

4. I have bought an LED red light to watch her at night. Just wondering if this is OK. Its blinding when i look straight at it so is it the same for her?

Lastly, I would like to thank all of you for great info, its the reason I finally decided to get my new T called Talula.

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Old Timer
Sep 17, 2004
CodeJACK said:
1. She has eaten the three crickets I have given in the last week but the last one took 24 hours before she attempted to go for it. Is this anything?
Sounds about right. This species is known to be a bit finicky. If you notice crickets still in the tank after a couple of days, remove them and try again a week later.

2. I have noticed that the temp in my tank is a constant 20 C. Is the heatmat too small or do I even need to raise the temp?
It's on the low end of OK. A heatmat typically only raises the temperature of the substrate, not the surrounding air, so the substrate may actually be warmer than your thermometer is showing. You may also want to consider putting the heat mat on the side or back of the tank.

If possible, you may want to raise the temp of the entire room a couple of degrees.

3. In the last day she seems to be staying in the centre of the tank and clearing an area for herself. Its almost as If she is trying to get closer to the heatmat that is under the centre of the tank.
Do you mean that she's digging? It could be that it's trying to get closer to the warmth or it could just be that it's decided to redecorate. :) Try putting the heatmat on the side or back and see if it makes a difference.

The webbing in the photo shows that she's settling in nicely. You also want to make sure that there isn't enough room in the tank for her to climb very high and fall on anything.

4. I have bought an LED red light to watch her at night. Just wondering if this is OK. Its blinding when i look straight at it so is it the same for her?
The red light shouldn't be a problem, as tarantulas can't see the red light.

Good luck with her and welcome to the forum! :)


Sep 10, 2005
Welcome to the boards.

Feeding 2-3 criks is fine. If there are any left after 24 hrs. I remove them. My rosie ate around 2 every week until it laid down a heavy mat in her hide and molted. After she had molted I started feeding her a week later and she hammers any and all that I would give her. As far as a heating mat. I don't use them. The temps where my T's are upper 60's F at night and in the 70's during the day. I am not sure what that would be in C. If the flashlight bothers you it will probably bother the T. Their eyesight is not as good as humans, but light changes can bother them. Some of my T's will run like hell at the first sign of light. Thanks for posting a picture. It looks as if it is in an aquarium. If so the substrate needs to be deeper. The T should have one and a half its leg span difference from top to the substrate. My rosie would climb the sides of the tank and with the substrate closer to the top this would minimize or eliminate any injury. I noticed yours has a large rump. Also I use a plastic deli cup buried in the substrate for a hide. It looks like yours is paper. This absorb any moisture and cause problems like mold or just fall apart. My rosie is kept dry and with a water bowl. I also keep her on straight peat. If you think she is pretty now, wait till she molts. Enjoy and Good Luck


Old Timer
Dec 26, 2005
Thanks becca81,

Quick reply!

Yeah, I also have infra red thermometer that i was using for scanning hotspots in the tank. The spot she is sitting in is the hottest part of the tank! Bloody clever Talula.

I might try moving around the mat but is there any other way of raising temp in the tank, as Im fine! I'll get as many mats as it will takes but only if that will raise temp of tank. How do you raise air temp in tank?


Old Timer
Dec 26, 2005
Couldnt resist the model tank for decoration! sorry. Made sure to clean it first so as no residue from paint. I made it when i was 10, so its had 15 years to cure its paint and there are no bad chemicels on it i hope!

Again, any comments on this sort of decoration?


Old Timer
Nov 13, 2005
Congratulations on your first T! I admire that you are comfortable enough and care enough to give it a bath. Says something about your T that you could get away with it as well! :clap:

Under normal conditions I would not use a heat mat for a G. They will do fine at room temp. The mat can dry out the tank and the substrate should be deeper then what I see in your picture.

I agree with bulldog and I would replace the hide you have provided. I use broken clay pots or a store bought hide $$$ and they both work just as well.

I would also suggest that you add a water dish on one end of the tank. This will add all the humidity that your G will need.

Just my 2 cents.
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Cirith Ungol

Ministry of Fluffy Bunnies
Old Timer
Dec 22, 2004
CodeJACK said:
I have noticed that the temp in my tank is a constant 20 C. Is the heatmat too small or do I even need to raise the temp?

I might try moving around the mat but is there any other way of raising temp in the tank, as Im fine! I'll get as many mats as it will takes but only if that will raise temp of tank. How do you raise air temp in tank?

There was white mold on her leg that i cleaned off with damp paper towel.

I have bought an LED red light to watch her at night. Just wondering if this is OK. Its blinding when i look straight at it so is it the same for her?
bulldog18 said:
If the flashlight bothers you it will probably bother the T.
You should move the heat mat to the side if anything. If the T want's to escape any heat it might dig down and only get warmer in the process.

The mould you're talking of was with certainty only some residue of the T's abdominal undercoat. It usually looks white, fluffy and at times a bit flakey. There is no problem with that. Mould is much more likely to end up on the booklung openings than on the legs.

No there is no problem with red light. T's are not able to see it (or at least not bothred by it.) However bright it is, it's still red, so no worries there.

Yes, remove that cardboard thing. It will certainly start getting mouldy pretty soon.


Chief Cook n Bottlewasher
Old Timer
Sep 29, 2004
The two main items I'd make sure happened:

- move the heat mat to the side of the tank. allows the T to choose a warmer or cooler spot to stay in

- an more substrate.. while G. roseas don't like alot of moisture the added substrate will not allow it to fall very far.. and my first G. rosea liked to burrow.

ALL IN ALL.. I think she's happy (looks like she settled in nicely)

I really like the name Talula - why that name?


Old Timer
Apr 8, 2003
I'm a UK tarantula keeper and I use heat mats for all my NW terrestrials, since our room temps can drop too low for their comfort. I ALWAYS mount heatmats on the side of the tank. I advise you move yours straight away. Put it at one end of a long side so that the tarantula can choose a place in the tank that suits it's needs. Put in a half flower pot or a piece of cork bark for a shelter, since these will not mould or rot. Keep the tank and substrate bone dry with regular access to clean water and you're sorted.

G.rosea is a great starter species and can be a vorcious feeder. It can also fast for years, so don't get worried if it skips a few meals. They thrive on being left alone too. Mine loves to binge on big fat roaches and pinkies and then relax with a few months of snoozing.

I keep my terrestrial's substrate heights within a legspan of the lid, so the T can simultaneously touch the floor and ceiling at a stretch. This helps to stabalize the environment and prevents fall damage. They also get to burrow if the mood takes them. I also weight down plastic lids with heavy books since I came home to see my adult female B.smithi stretched out across the side of a bookshelf.

Its a fine, healthy looking T. Congratulations!


Old Timer
Dec 26, 2005
Thanks for all the advice.

Have moved the heat mat to the side but since doing this yesterday, Talula has not left that part of the glass. She seems to be huddled between the glass where the mat begins and the substraight. Half on half off!

I know i definetly have a heating problem but need a good solution to fix it. I am just about to add another 10 gallon bag of substraight aswell as a clay flower pot and a nice piece of log to play on! Fresh from the pet store.

If i add all this in, substraight in particular, will this stop heat transfering into the tank from below and if I leave the mat on the side will Talula inadvertedly cook herself on the mat!

Also as an extra potential pain in my rear, since moving the mat, the humidity in the tank has dropped to 40%. Have read that humidity isnt that important but this seems very low? Even with a full tray of water over by the mat!

Thanks in advance, sorry for the newbie bother.:wall:


Chief Cook n Bottlewasher
Old Timer
Sep 29, 2004
It's normal to worry about all this in the beginning.. it hasn't been that long since I started posting here..

I had a rosie for 8 years.. no heating mat
_ live plants..
- aquarium light and hood
- huge plant root (possibly pine)

some no no's that I know better ..
but she lived with me for 8 years..

she was full grown when I got her..

my point is.. she will get off the glass if she gets to warm.. and will drink when thirsty... etc..

just give her something close and she'll be FINE :)

best to you..

By the way.. you didn't answer my question about the name: Talula??


Old Timer
Dec 26, 2005
Hey Nerri1029,

Ill start to relax a bit so. Thanks for advice.

The name Talula I actually got from one of my favourite movies: Cool Runnings.

Has no real significance other that I like the sound of the name myself and the comment in the movie is funny! (2 dollar hooker)

Thanks again for your response.


Nov 29, 2005
CodeJACK said:
Also as an extra potential pain in my rear, since moving the mat, the humidity in the tank has dropped to 40%. Have read that humidity isnt that important but this seems very low? Even with a full tray of water over by the mat!
Maybe you have placed the heat mat directly next to hygrometer?


Old Timer
Dec 26, 2005
Opposite end of tank actually.

I moved the mat to the base of the tank again and she seems to like this better. Now that I have a log in place she seems to purch on the top of that.

The substraight is now at least 3 inches deep and with the mat in the base the humidity has gone back to 70%. I have always had the water dish over the mat or as near to it as possible.

I hope she will be alright.

I think its enough for this thread anyhow. Ill read all I can from all your posts an learn as I go.

Thanks everyone!


Old Timer
Nov 13, 2005
I do not believe in heat mats myself unless you can not provide room tempratures. Most T's will do well if you can provide room tempratures and a water dish. I always thought it was a bad idea to have any type of heat source for a T as they may become injured from a "hot spot". Based on the posts I am in the minority and this may open a can of worms, however; my G's are just fine and also love to sit on top of the wood in their enclosure. Just my thoughts.