Beginner Questions


Jul 10, 2008
After deciding to get a Ball Python and possibly a Kingsnake, I need a few quetions answered.

First question is what should I keep them in? I have empty 20 gallon and 10 gallon aquariums and some plastic storage boxes, which would be better? I've read conflicting account on both so input from more experienced keepers would be appreciated.

Second question is what is the best heat source to use? Heat pads or heat lamps? From what I've read, neither species I've decided on needs any specials UBV lighting, but I don't know which of the two is superior.

Third question is what substrate to use? From the research I've done it seems lots of things will work but is there a generally prefered substrate? I use Eco-Earth/Forest-Bed with my inverts, though I'm not really sure this would be the best route for herps. Is the Reptile Carpet any good?

All advice is greatly appreciated.


Old Timer
Jan 12, 2007
In all my experience most heat pads do not provide the heat needed though the substrate to warm the air. If you use heat mats use them as a secondary source. The 20 Gal will work well for a smaller king/milk as an adult with a good fitting lid. I recommend keeping smaller kings and milks in storage boxes. The Ball will end up needing 40gal or a good 3' storage box. The under bed boxes are good.

Ball pythons can be picky eaters and they really don't do much. If your picking between the two go for the King/milk.

Bed a beast is great for planted tanks, Aspen is a easy clean. There are lots of substrates out their and just about all of them work (No sand, ever). It will matter on what you need from it. A lot of times I just use organic potting soil, it's worked well for me years on end.


Staff member
Sep 9, 2004
The ball python will probably do better in a storage bin, as it is easier to maintain humidity, and it offers them a little more security which is helpful as they can be a bit more high stress than kingsnakes. Heat lamps are not great for ball pythons as it tends to suck the moisture out, and ball pythons do need moderate humidity. An undertank heat mat is recommended. You do need to use a thermostat with undertank heaters, as they can run really hot and burn your snake without one.
Bin sizes, a baby ball would do well in a shoebox size or a bit bigger, and an adult would be okay in a 32 quart, unless it is a big female, it would need something bigger. I use paper towel as a substrate, but aspen chip is good too, as you can spot clean with it instead of replacing the whole thing.

A kingsnake would be fine in a tank with a screen lid, the 20 gallon would do for a long time. From what I've read, they don't really need supplemental heat unless you live in a cold area. So a heat lamp may be okay for that species. Just make sure you read up on the temps you need to keep them at, and purchase a digital thermomter so that you can monitor the temps in a bin or a tank. The stick on guage kinds are not accurate.


Jul 10, 2008
I've already found some digital thermometers to buy, so that won't be a problem. So the Ball Python would be better off in a storage box? Is a heat pad the only thing to use for that or is there something else also? Where is a good place to get the thermostat?


Staff member
Sep 9, 2004
Heat mat or heat tape. For just one ball python I would recommend the heat mat.
You can get a thermostat at most pet stores, or online. You can use an on/off thermostat, such as Zoomeds 500r, or Zilla makes one. Better on/off thermostats are Ranco and Johnson. Then there are proportional thermostats, they are alot more money, but they are the cream of the crop so to speak. There is Herpstat and Helix.
You can try or for starters.

You can also use a dimmer from a hardware store, they are inexpensive. I've never used one so I don't know much about it, but lots of people do.

A good ball python site is you can get lots of set up info there.


Jul 10, 2008
Thank you very much for the info. Any particular brand of heat mat you'd reccommend? Advice is always welcome.