Beginner Agamids and Iguanids?


Nov 7, 2011
I'm simply looking for anything besides a bearded dragon that make a fairly suitable pet. Something that stays a manageable size, or at least, can stay in a manageable-sized vivarium. Something that can be handled to some extant. And, something I can find on the market without too much difficulty.
Is it safe to say a uromastyx just may be what I'm looking for, right? I've heard that once you have them all heated up, they make great pets.

i also take suggestions for true lizards, legless lizards, and the like. Just no skinks or geckos. (Although I may settle for a fire skink in the end...)


Old Timer
Jan 18, 2011
If you hadn't said no skinks, I would absolutely recommend a blue tongue skink. Mine is an extremely personable lizard who watches my feet as I walk by and does a lot of funny stuff.
Uromastyx, from what I know, probably are just what you're looking for. My brother considered getting one for the longest time rather than a bearded dragon because they're a bit more "interesting". Good luck with whatever you choose :)


Nov 7, 2011
The price-tags of BT skinks just pick at my brain. I just prefer that natural lizard look, as well. Distinguished head, different scale textures throughout, some shape to the belly, etc... With the exception of legless lizards. I find those purely fascinating.
I might in the end get a gecko as well, but should I follow that path, I already know what I'd get.

Anyway, a uromastyx (let's hope I can find some U. ornata's!) or an eastern glass lizard might do. Whichever they have at the expo. Or like a proper hobbyist- BOTH! Lol

Edit: I'm interested with anyone's experiments regarding anole and swift/fence lizard taming as well.
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Old Timer
Oct 5, 2009
Crocodile skink... I dont care you said no skinks they are just too cool looking lol


Oct 6, 2011
IMO herps that eat veggies are generally much more challenging to care for- more regular feeding, have to have someone to watch them if you leave town, more cautious about nutritional supplements, etc. etc. For that reason I would personally steer clear of the Uromastyx (cute as they are) and maybe think of something like a water dragon which are equally charming, easy to care for and very 'lizard-ish' in terms of those qualities you described. Water dragons are really cheap (free if you comb wooded areas in South Florida lol), readily available, not aggressive and easy to feed. Do require a swimming hole though as suggested by the common name.

Very small monitor species can be quite fun too and are variably friendly depending on which species you pick and how much time you really are willing to commit to acclimating it to handling. I had an Argus many years ago that was an awesome little guy, he would tripod on his hind legs tail so he could stand up "tall" and take food items from my hands. Really a sweet monitor, quite handleable after a couple of months of working with a feisty hatchling. Monitors come smaller than that too, but also far more ferocious so that would require some research on your behalf as far as picking the right species. I worked with mine a lot and found him very rewarding.


Nov 7, 2011
My initial interest in the Chinese Water Dragon lead me to produce this thread. I am worried though on their actual need of care as I've heard the setups needed to care for them can be quite complicated- large and several things such as humidity, live plants, substrate, etc.


Jul 9, 2012
Edit: I'm interested with anyone's experiments regarding anole and swift/fence lizard taming as well.
I have a few years experience with anoles and swifts. What do you mean by "taming?" Handling them?


Oct 6, 2011
My initial interest in the Chinese Water Dragon lead me to produce this thread. I am worried though on their actual need of care as I've heard the setups needed to care for them can be quite complicated- large and several things such as humidity, live plants, substrate, etc.
They're not too bad, fairly standard setup for most lizards in that most want a large body of water to swim in, require some degree of humidity (obviously excluding arid species though usually it is recommended to have a bathing spot even for these), some cage furniture to allow them to hide when they want. Much easier than a Uro for sure if that's what you are comparing to. I would still say best to pick something predatory and not terribly large at adult size. Water dragons are so docile most of the time, they are really good starter lizards. Far better alternative than the common green iguana or any of the vegetable grazers for that matter and they are much less ferocious than many of the other predatory lizard species. There are Basilisk which are awesome looking and manageable (and also naturalized here in Florida lol) but they are so flighty.


Nov 7, 2011
So I'm bringing brown basilisk into consideration, due to their moderate size and appearance. (And their price and availability at local expos)
I'm curious of anyone's experience when handling and taming these beasties though.
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Oct 6, 2011
So I'm bringing brown basilisk into consideration, due to their moderate size and appearance. (And their price and availability at local expos)
I'm curious of anyone's experience when handling and taming these beasties though.
Earlier in life I had a green basilisk. You don't really handle or tame them, they are flighty and nervous. Generally recommended to have 3/4 walls solid so that when they startle they don't bash themselves against the other walls and injure themselves. They can adjust to being to disturbed but don't really become "tame" in the way a monitor might. They are more of an observational pet IME but they are quite spectacular to behold.

If it is the taming/handling/"pet" aspect you are most interested in and you don't want a beardie, skink or gecko then monitors probably have the most tame-able species available as far as getting a pet that seems to recognize you, stay calm, enjoy a nice head scratching, etc. There was even an experiment done with black throated and savanna monitors that demonstrated they could be taught to count to five or six (I believe it was even made into a show or a segment of a show). I think they are generally regarded as the group containing the most intelligent "lizards" and as such many can be quite tame. Just have to do your research as their temperaments span the entire spectrum from the most ferocious to the most tame-able. Many get unreasonably large for most people to care for properly so that is something important to consider as well.


Dec 31, 2013
Earlier in life I had a green basilisk. You don't really handle or tame them, they are flighty and nervous. Generally recommended to have 3/4 walls solid so that when they startle they don't bash themselves against the other walls and injure themselves. They can adjust to being to disturbed but don't really become "tame" in the way a monitor might. They are more of an observational pet IME but they are quite spectacular to behold.

If it is the taming/handling/"pet" aspect you are most interested in and you don't want a beardie, skink or gecko then monitors probably have the most tame-able species available as far as getting a pet that seems to recognize you, stay calm, enjoy a nice head scratching, etc. There was even an experiment done with black throated and savanna monitors that demonstrated they could be taught to count to five or six (I believe it was even made into a show or a segment of a show). I think they are generally regarded as the group containing the most intelligent "lizards" and as such many can be quite tame. Just have to do your research as their temperaments span the entire spectrum from the most ferocious to the most tame-able. Many get unreasonably large for most people to care for properly so that is something important to consider as well.
I think there are exceptions to any rule, my male basilisk would sit on my shoulder and just chill. The female on the other hand,is more prone to skittish behaviour especially when seeing the male nearby haha.

The Snark

Dumpster Fire of the Gods
Old Timer
Aug 8, 2005
For a household with young curious children and practical experience among the adults in first aid, a tokay is the way to go.


Old Timer
Oct 25, 2014
Frilled lizards are awesome..there a little pricey but well worth it adult size is 18 -24inches...simple to feed and care for..insectivorous,super worms and crickets offered 3-4 times a week dusted with calcium and vitamin powder every other feeding,humidity- low up to 60% heat - 80 ambient up to 120 basking spot. Cageing-semi arboreal setup. Special care needs- mercury vapor/metal haylide lamps are needed for this species,small frequent meals,large enclosures as juveniles and adults. Juveniles require daily misting till there about 8-10inches then 2-3 times a week as sub adults and adults.these guys tolerate handling OK mine never thrash or try to bite. These guys are very sure of themselves and are always out basking during the day and rarely hide when you come in the room like many arboreal lizards.


May 28, 2012
I love our uro. She's out fairly often, super cute and fairly handleable. (Though she'll not hesitate to swing that tail when she's in no mood to be messed with.)

As far as monitors, i love my black trees. The male lets me feed and pet him, while the female is flighty and damaged the tendon of my right index finger when i took my eyes off her for a second. They are probably my favorite exothermic animals I've had the pleasure of owning.


Nov 7, 2011
Can someone say "old thread?" Wow have things changed since. This thread is older than my second ball python!
Anyway, I eventually ended up with a crested gecko who was impulsively bought by a family member earlier this year, we moved, and now it seems I only want geckos while working on a collection of moderately large snakes. I suppose I might work on something like a tegu or water dragon if I have the spare resources, as I've lately fallen in love with big vivs, but I really don't care anymore. haha