Been a while, animal update


Old Timer
Sep 14, 2008
I've officially been without tarantulas for 2 yrs. I'm starting to miss them. I've moved twice within these 2 yrs due to education and didn't have as much room for a while...

I Figured I'd come up from the dead from here and list and post a few pics of the animals I did keep while acquiring my Bachelors. These include: 2 fish tanks (one with glofish and malaysian trumpet snails & one with a blue gourami and albino bristlenose pleco), 3 snakes, a cat (female brown tabby), a mouse (grey male), a bearded dragon (male), and 2 birds. My hands keep busy :D

Rainbow (lutino indian ringneck, believed to be male)
Nafesh (cockatiel, female)
Mooberry (Axanthic kenyan sand boa, male)
Hero ground me.jpg
Hero (Hog island boa, female)
Thimble (Rat Snake, male)


Old Timer
Nov 27, 2004
Your Indian Ringneck is beautiful. I love birds...if my lovebird (peach face lutino) wasnt such a handful, I would have more birds! She is extremely possessive of me though, and gets jealous at anyone else who is around me. I dont think it would be fair to add another bird to the mix, since the two almost certainly would not get along!

Your cockatiel looks like a sweetie too :) How long have you had your birds for? Ive had Cleo since she was just a baby, she will be 6 this coming March.


Old Timer
Sep 14, 2008
Your lovebird seems kind of like my ringneck... my two birds can be near each other if they're eating or in the same room but they don't really get along. My ringneck is highly possessive and jealous of other people and animals.

I've had my ringneck close to 4 yrs.

I've had my cockatiel around 2.5 yrs but she's about 6 or 7 yrs old. I got her from someone who couldn't keep her anymore and my "free male" bird at first glance turned into an egg-bound female that was a pretty vet bill and a course of antibiotics for 2 wks. She also had no idea what apples or anything were so changing her diet was also a challenge. But, if I or someone like me hadn't agreed to have adopted her, I'm sure she'd be dead by now and she's such a sweetheart. So it makes me happy I was able to give her a home.


Old Timer
Nov 27, 2004
I sent my partner the picture of Rainbow. We call Cleo "Yellow Bird" as a nicname, because she is yellow all over with a pink/peach face. I know he will get a kick out of how yellow your guy is! The title of the email is "Would the real Yellow Bird please stand up?" :)


Old Timer
Nov 27, 2004
Not to hijack your thread...but here is my yellow bird ;) She has no fear, seriously. (Plus Twiggy (cat) knows he would get his butt kicked if he tried anything)


ArachnoVixen AKA Dream Crusher AKA Heartbreaker
Staff member
Sep 14, 2009
Not to hijack your thread...but here is my yellow bird ;) She has no fear, seriously. (Plus Twiggy (cat) knows he would get his butt kicked if he tried anything)
View attachment 109578
I really think this is a lovebird thing. I had a peach face lovebird as a kid who used to torment the crap out of my cat. Climbed on her, chased her around, it was hilarious.


Old Timer
Nov 27, 2004
I think lovebirds are direct descendants of the Devil himself. She can be so adorable and loving one minute, and just go completely bonkers the next. I have scars from her!


Old Timer
Sep 14, 2008
Not to hijack your thread...but here is my yellow bird ;) She has no fear, seriously. (Plus Twiggy (cat) knows he would get his butt kicked if he tried anything)
It's all good. She's pretty :love:

You mean like this pic :D Rainbow's about the dumbest or bravest bird I've met... eating on top of a cat. But all the cats are afraid of him.
rainbow on snowball.jpg

You should see when the bird and the cat want my mouse but my mouse charges at both of them. The predator/prey relationship is all screwed up at my place.


Old Timer
Nov 27, 2004
Haha great picture. I love that Rainbow uses his feet when eating. That is one thing that both makes my partner and I go AWWWWWW. We call them "feets". We are 6 years old, I swear.


ArachnoVixen AKA Dream Crusher AKA Heartbreaker
Staff member
Sep 14, 2009
I think lovebirds are direct descendants of the Devil himself. She can be so adorable and loving one minute, and just go completely bonkers the next. I have scars from her!
I agree. Sorsha (my old lovebird, named after a character from the movie Willow...I got her in 1989 for my 8th bday lol), was pure evil. She could be fun, and sweet or she could be the devil incarnate. She used to attack me and draw blood whenever I fed or watered her... this ended up terrifying me (and slightly scarring for me life, I will still scream if a lovebird flies close in someones home lol).

My plan as a brilliant 10 yr old (I had her about 2 years before she really started getting nasty) was to just stop feeding her, that would surely take care of my problem...thankfully my mom caught on very quick as she was secretly making sure I was looking after the bird, and ended up rehoming her to a sweet old lady who had kept birds her whole life. I had her for a couple years before this though, and when she was out of her cage she was the neatest bird. She used to like playing the board game mousetrap, would sit and wait for the net to fall and then go crazy attacking it lol, she also liked stealing my brothers lego. It was only in her cage that she was evil.

Edit* Since I helped hijack this thread, I need to come back and say what I forgot to the first the pics Faing, your birds are adorable (and hopefully not evil).
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Old Timer
Nov 27, 2004
It was only in her cage that she was evil.
Cleo has a a few rules:

-If I touch it, it is mine.
-If I look at it, it is mine.
-Even if it is really yours, it is still mine.
-You touch my cage, or anything else that is mine (especially my tent!!!!) you will lose your finger(s).
-You will scratch me when and where I want, and I am allowed to suddenly, inexplicably, decide I no longer want to be scratched, and you will lose a finger(s).
-You will let me out of my cage before you do anything else when you enter the room I am in, or I will scream at you as though 1000 swine are being lead to their slaughter. Once you let me out, youll probably lose a finger(s) for taking too long.
-You will feel extreme guilt after I bite you, because you know that whatever you did, you should have known better.

It is quite simple really...

(Another story of Cleo here -->
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Old Timer
Sep 14, 2008
Edit* Since I helped hijack this thread, I need to come back and say what I forgot to the first the pics Faing, your birds are adorable (and hopefully not evil).
Thanks. My cockatiel is the sweetest thing in creation. My ringneck, on the other hand, tends to be the seed of Chucky when he wants to be. He's not my bird, I'm his human. He bites, growls, hisses, screams and throws a temper tantrum when he doesn't get his way. My cockatiel has never made me bleed, he's made me bleed so much I can't even count how many times. Sometimes he's sweet and some days he's just demonic. I've just learned to deal with it and back off on his moody days.

So it's not just a lovebird thing... but at least their beaks are smaller, I can say from experience, it sucks when he bites. Only a couple times I can say he hasn't let go... that REALLY hurt! lol