Beardy Q.

Austin S.

Old Timer
May 9, 2006
Havent found much info through google on this matter, so I'm coming to you guys. :) Is it normal for two bearded dragons to have different growth rates? One is close to a couple inches bigger than the other. The smaller eats its greens and inverts. Is it normal? nothing to worry about?

P. Novak

Old Timer
Sep 12, 2005
I'd say it's pretty normal. I'm not sure if it could be a gender thing, but this is what I get out of it; they're like us, not everyone grows the same rate or same size, so why can't it apply to animals as well? That's what I think is going on with your beardies IF they are both getting fed and eating the same amount that is.


Old Timer
Oct 10, 2007
Havent found much info through google on this matter, so I'm coming to you guys. :) Is it normal for two bearded dragons to have different growth rates? One is close to a couple inches bigger than the other. The smaller eats its greens and inverts. Is it normal? nothing to worry about?
How old are the two dragons in question? What sex are they? What temps are they being kept at? What lighting do they have? All of these can be a factor in growth rates, as well as genetics.

Mushroom Spore

Old Timer
Oct 14, 2005
Are they being housed in the same enclosure? I know that some reptiles housed together can result in the less dominant animal almost failing to thrive - although I have no idea if stress or bullying can *also* cause that, or if it's only a result of the dominant animal specifically hogging all the food. :?

Austin S.

Old Timer
May 9, 2006
They are a little over one month old. The bigger one is around 6" long, smaller around 5". They are being kept together in a 30 gal. long tank with plently of spots to stay away from eachother if they choose to. I have a basking light and a Slimeline Reptile Fixture with desert 7% uvb lamp. It stimulates natural daylight while producing 7% UVB and additional UVA rays to promote proper calcium absorption and bone growth for these guys. it is 18" long, 15 watt. Really pricy and I was told was the best thing to get them.

They are unsexed I presume b/c of their size.

Basking temp is anywhere from 105-110. On the other side of the tank, the temp is around 80-85 deg. Night temps drop to around 65-70.

The big one loves crickets, mealworms, but I havent seen him take greens yet. He may be while I'm asleep or not looking however. The smaller one eats crickets,mealworms,and loves fresh greens.

I think I'm doing everthing pretty close to the book, is there something I'm missing??


Old Timer
Oct 10, 2007
They are a little over one month old. The bigger one is around 6" long, smaller around 5". They are being kept together in a 30 gal. long tank with plently of spots to stay away from eachother if they choose to. I have a basking light and a Slimeline Reptile Fixture with desert 7% uvb lamp. It stimulates natural daylight while producing 7% UVB and additional UVA rays to promote proper calcium absorption and bone growth for these guys. it is 18" long, 15 watt. Really pricy and I was told was the best thing to get them.

They are unsexed I presume b/c of their size.

Basking temp is anywhere from 105-110. On the other side of the tank, the temp is around 80-85 deg. Night temps drop to around 65-70.

The big one loves crickets, mealworms, but I havent seen him take greens yet. He may be while I'm asleep or not looking however. The smaller one eats crickets,mealworms,and loves fresh greens.

I think I'm doing everthing pretty close to the book, is there something I'm missing??

One thing I see that could be the issue is there being housed together. Maybe the smaller one is not getting his/hers fair share of the food. Honestly I would switch to Zoomeds Repti Sun 10.0 bulb for the lighting (best on the market...IMO) We're using them for all our Dragons. Basking temps could be a little higher 110-115 babies like it hot basking spot. I would just separate them and see what happens.


Apr 22, 2008
I would have to agree....however you never quite know what is wrong or right unless your an expert. My two Beardies came together no bigger than my pinky....... I think it was once they hit puberty that they began to fight and we sexed them and found out they were two males. (not good to house together). However...... when we were raising them..... one was always smaller than the other......(they both ate the same there about) but just recently the bigger one stopped so to speak and the smaller one caught up and past the other one! So.........I dont know......but they are both very healthy.

I would sex them...if you haven't already....and then try to seperate if you can........and see what happens. really you shouldn't house 2 males together at all. 2 females is fine.....and well male and female could cause to have more on the way!

Austin S.

Old Timer
May 9, 2006
I would have to agree....however you never quite know what is wrong or right unless your an expert. My two Beardies came together no bigger than my pinky....... I think it was once they hit puberty that they began to fight and we sexed them and found out they were two males. (not good to house together). However...... when we were raising them..... one was always smaller than the other......(they both ate the same there about) but just recently the bigger one stopped so to speak and the smaller one caught up and past the other one! So.........I dont know......but they are both very healthy.

I would sex them...if you haven't already....and then try to seperate if you can........and see what happens. really you shouldn't house 2 males together at all. 2 females is fine.....and well male and female could cause to have more on the way!

Thanks for your input. These cannot be sexed yet, they are only around 7" long, tops. So I'll give it about another month or something. I posted pictures of their underneaths in this thread I believe if you want to have a crack at it.

Sorry, here is the post:


Jul 23, 2007
yes it is normal for them to have different growth rates do not be alarmed


Old Timer
Sep 19, 2005
What brand is your slim line UVB? if its ESU then it could be a problem. For a long time ESU bulbs didn't put out enough UV and now they put out too much.
The different growth rates could be normal or it could be from bullying. Even with lots of different places to hang out, there can be competition.

I don't currently have a dragon but I did have one for a few years, they are very specific in their needs. Check out
for great advice and pay no mind to the few snotty members.

info on different UVB brands

Oh, and they can be sexed fairly accurate at that size by a decent breeder.

Austin S.

Old Timer
May 9, 2006
What brand is your slim line UVB? if its ESU then it could be a problem. For a long time ESU bulbs didn't put out enough UV and now they put out too much.
The different growth rates could be normal or it could be from bullying. Even with lots of different places to hang out, there can be competition.

I don't currently have a dragon but I did have one for a few years, they are very specific in their needs. Check out
for great advice and pay no mind to the few snotty members.

info on different UVB brands

Oh, and they can be sexed fairly accurate at that size by a decent breeder.
Thanks for your help Waldo. Its greatly appreciated. They have shed once already and have shown a large increase in size. So I take it they are doing fine..?
The light IS NOT ESU.

I will be creating another thread for an update with multiple pictures to go along here soon.


Old Timer
Sep 19, 2005
They look good. I know alot of people are against housing beardies together and it usually does eventually cause probles but they look fine for now. Just watch them at feeding time and make sure they are both eating enough.

If they are both female and you are lucky, you might be able to keep them together, if male/male or even male/female you will need to seperate them by 6 months at the latest.

Glad its not ESU, when ever I hear slim line that a worry:)


Apr 22, 2008
If there two boys!! boys will be boys!! lol they won't start anything till the juvenile stage!! I think that was 6 months old! Right now it's to hard to can do it!! look to see if they have pores in the private areas.........which they will girls will indent and boys won't......but boys will have them all the way down both hind legs........i am going to have to guess at the moment .......boy!! I see pores on those legs starting to develope!!

Austin S.

Old Timer
May 9, 2006
Well I tried getting some underneath pictures and see if sexing these guys this young could possibly be possible.


Saying hi to all of you!


Apr 22, 2008
looks like a boy and the molting one a girl......but don't take my's not fully grown to be sexed yet! the pores are all the way there! but you may have a couple of love birds! lol{D :D