I recently discovered that my beardie absolutely loves bean sprouts. Gobbles them up like candy - u could try that - also - although not green, try grated veggies like spaghetti/butternut squash, carrots, green beans.
Gassy veggies are a definate no - such as cabbage, broccoli, brussle sprouts, and be careful what kinds of lettuce you offer, do not give iceburg, but u can offer romaine, dandilion leaves, and other dark greens - oh yeah and no spinnach.
is it a young beardie, or older. some times if its a older and its a rescue it might of only been feed bugs. i had one that did.. i got a food dish that vibrates and i layed veggies in it and turned it on. now he loves veggies.....
if its young just give more time.... lay fresh veggies in there every day till it eats...
Dude get him off the sand, its deadly!!! Bearded dragons dont come from sandy enviroments like that, put him on repticarpet of non adhesive shelf liner. trust me even tho the calci sand bag says vet approved and safe to eat its bull$hi* the calci sand builds up after awhile in the intestinal track and creates a lump and can cause renial failuire, its horrable stuff so plz get him off it, its just not worth the risk of your baby dieing.
oh ok.. i was told not to use repti sand but to use just normal play sand. there is like 50 pounds of the stuff in there. taking out the sand would require a big day of maintence due to the size of the enclosure. i dont know if you say its bad then i guess i will change it.
yes the sand is deadly! ESPEICIALY PLAYSAND the sand has this stuff called silicia that stuff is micro glass peices with sharp edges and that can rip up there insides.
oh i made sure not to get the stuff with silica in it. wont anytihng else i use look like utter garbage in that cage? it is really weird before i got this rescue i did extensive research, many diff web pages, and they all had the pretty much same thing. No calci sand or play sand with silica in it. im not say9ing you are wrong and i probally will change the sand out when i have money, is there any possibility you could be mistaken about sand being deadly?
and please remember i am not trying to argue i just want to be sure before i rip this blokes cgae apart trying to get the sand out. could you point me in some directions on reading?
This is a beardie with playsand and his impacted, luckly since it got an xray it survived. Remember Beardies dont come from a loose sand enviroment, they come from a desert pavment type
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